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Q101 Jamboree Reviews:
- Q101 Jamboree 2000
- Q101 Jamboree '99
- Q101 Jamboree '98
- Q101 Jamboree '97
- Q101 Jamboree '96

It's Almost Summer Already?
Q101 Jamboree 1998

A Concert Review

May 23, 1998

The New World
Music Theatre

Tinley Park, IL

A Review and Photos by
The Dude on the Right
Q101 is a local radio station in Chicago. If you're in Chicago you can find them at 101.1 on your FM dial. Their call letters are WKQX.  For the past few years they've had this thing they call Jamboree.  It was always on the Sunday before Memorial Day.  They would bring in some established bands, some up-and-coming bands, and some bands never to be heard from again.  And the weather always ended up sucking.

This year the folks at Q101 also had this thing they call Jamboree, and once again they brought some established bands, some up-and-comers, and some bands you may never hear from again.  But this time they held it on the Saturday before Memorial Day, and the weather didn't suck.

Here's hoping they hold next year's Jamboree on a Saturday, but until next year, here's this dude's day, at Q101's Jamboree '98.  The first band up - Fastball.


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