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Q101 Jamboree Reviews:
- Q101 Jamboree 2000
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Are Breasts Getting Bigger?
Q101 Jamboree 2000

A Concert Review

May 20, 2000

The New World
Music Theatre

Tinley Park, IL

A Review by
Big Cooter &
The Dude on the Right
Photos by
The Dude on the Right
Big Cooter
The Q101 Jamboree 2000 kicked off this year without any rain. And being the kings of picking a date when the rain is prominent and imposing, Q101 happened upon a date where everything was warm and clear. Pretty funny that they chose to make the opening band start under the cover of the pavilion (maybe because they were expecting the rain like any normal year, then again the sun does shine on a dog's ass every now and again). So, there we were, sitting under the pavilion waiting the start of the show (Long Beach Dub Allstars, for those without privilege of a schedule). With no beer yet due to the fact that they didn't start serving the normal schleps (like us) until 3pm, The Dude on the Left and I were a little on edge. Maybe the beer would have helped some early bands, it definitely didn't help some later bands, and without further adoo, whooppadee doo, follow along with for all of our reviews!  Damn, I'm a poet and don't know it!

The Dude on the Right
Q101, WKQX, 101.1 on your FM dial in Chicago for you technical folks, likes to put on this Jamboree every year. This year being the year 2000, they dubbed it Jamboree 2000, or J2K for short. Thank God they've continued with their tradition of holding it on a Saturday. Why? Great weather. It was just about perfect. A little cool under the pavilion, sunny but not too hot for the second stage, and no rain. Once again I unleashed The Dude on the Left and Big Cooter to kick ass in the mosh pit and hang in the pavilion while I snapped some photos. This year Big Cooter did the honor of writing the review, with The Dude on the Left giving a lame excuse to me of something like "I agreed with most everything Big Cooter said so my writing a review would be redundant. If you want me to, I'll write one, but it will probably be lame." So I let The Dude on the Left off the hook. Let's get to reviewing starting with Long Beach Dub All Stars.


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