Celebrating Emancipation Day, Would You Buy a Zoo?, Golf-Triggered Memories, and America’s Got Talent is Almost Back.

By: The Dude on the Right

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As millions of people were doing yesterday, I was celebrating Emancipation Day. Okay, I wasn’t really celebrating, I just couldn’t quite get to the podcast, but for those of you wondering why April 17th is Tax Day this year, instead of at least on the 16th, all is revealed in this podcast episode. Also revealed in the podcast – if “We Bought a Zoo” is any good. It’s a movie now out on Blu-ray about a dude (Matt Damon) who buys a zoo. Okay, it’s a little more complicated than that, and it also has Scarlett Johansson as a zookeeper/potential love interest, but it does have real animals for your kids to watch instead of a movie with cartoon animals that can talk.

Watching golf makes me remember my college days, I had vegetarian food for Easter, Apache Helicopters are invading Chicago, and don’t look now but it’s less than a month to the return of “America’s Got Talent” with new judge, Howard Stern. You may love him or you may hate him, but you’ll probably at least watch out of curiosity. All of that and some movie news in this week’s podcast!

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That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

National Anthems, Five Movies to Maybe See, Tornado Warnings, and TV Talk.

By: The Dude on the Right

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As weeks have gone by since Stu Gotz and I have done a “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, being back together again means a lot of movies were watched, at least by Stu. Me, I let you know if “The Sitter” with Johan Hill is any good to rent (One hint – don’t watch it with the kids), while Stu breaks down “Wrath of the Titans,” the new version of “Footloose” (I still have no idea why he rented it), “The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo (Who Likes to Show Her Boobies)”, and we find out that if you read “The Hunger Games,” as Mama Gotz did, you might not like the movie, while if you didn’t, as was the case with Stu, you may like the movie.

Stu is sad at the changes “Playboy” has taken with its magazine, I let Stu know that the Borat version of the Kazakhstan National Anthem is not the official version of the nation, Stu doesn’t sound that excited about the Chicago Cubs home opener, I’m not liking “American Idol” anymore, Mama Gotz and my BFF are more cautious about upcoming storms than me and Stu (although the new National Weather Service graphic tornado warnings might make us take notice), I’m liking the new TV show “Touch,” and Stu needs to watch more “Celebrity Apprentice.”

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That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Chicken Tikka Masala for St. Pat’s Day, Bangers and Mash for St. Joseph’s Day, and Mitt Romney Better Finally put Rick Santorum Away

By: The Dude on the Right

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In honor of St. Patrick’s Day I ate chicken tikka masala, and in honor of St. Joseph’s Day I had bangers and mash. I really wish Stu Gotz were here to make fun of me for my food choices, but sadly it’s a solo “Weekend Wrap-up!” podcast as Stu is out running around.

With Summer already here in Chicago, even though Spring officially starts tomorrow, it was a weekend where I reminisced about St. Patrick’s Days gone by, and how downtown Chicago this year was filled with revelers and drunks by two in the afternoon. I also reflected on my experiences with Indian food, and how I enjoyed my St. Patrick’s Day dinner at Sara’s Grill and Eastern Cuisine.

I’m wondering why no one blind-sides Colton in “Survivor: One World,” I’m not liking “American Idol” that much and I blame it on the fact that they don’t have a British person with a condescending accent, “The Hunger Games” opens this weekend and I probably won’t see it, hopefully Mitt Romney will defeat Rick Santorum in the Illinois Primary tomorrow so the political ads will be done for a while and Stu Gotz might not be available for next week’s podcast so if you want to be a special podcast guest, feel free to email me at podcast@entertainmentavenue.com

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That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Entertaining the Kids, iPad 3 is Coming, Celebrity Apprentice, The Lorax is Good, and Daylight Saving Time.

By: The Dude on the Right

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And here it is, our “Mid-Week Surprise” podcast. Okay, not really a surprise, but some equipment issues kept us from recording a normal “Weekend Wrap-Up,” but that doesn’t make the tales of our weekend old, just well-aged! Me, I spent a lot of time in a suit, a big, blue suit, and Stu Gotz tries to make it dirty, but I won’t let him. I tell Stu tales of good kids, bad kids, and sweatiness. Stu, meanwhile, is helping a Little Gotz make The Ten Commandments, or something out of Mesopotamia.

I tell Stu he should watch “Celebrity Apprentice,” Stu wishes “The Real Housewives of Disney” was a real TV show, we anticipate Apple’s event today announcing a new iPad and Stu’s next birthday gift, an Apple TV, Stu saw “Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax” and “Moneyball,” and I remind everyone about Daylight Saving Time this weekend!

It’s a mid-week special, it’s a podcast, and it looks like neither of us will go and see “John Carter” this weekend because the trailers don’t seem to make us want to.

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That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

TV Talk of Survivor, Celebrity Apprentice, The Amazing Race, American Idol, and who’s that band on SNL?

By: The Dude on the Right

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Stu Gotz must have gotten the President’s Day bug, or the Washington’s Birthday bug as other might call it, because he couldn’t meet up with me for this episode of the “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast. And so, it’s solo time for me and as the exciting part of my weekend involved cleaning my balls and repairing an 8″ x 8″ hole in some drywall, I decided to keep most of this podcast to TV wrap-up talk as I got caught up on “Survivor: One World” and “American Idol,” and am perplexed but have a theory as to the miriad of “who is this” musical guests on Saturday Night Live lately.

As Sunday came, my TV viewing just got more complicated with the return of “The Amazing Race” and “The Celebrity Apprentice,” and on the Apprentice, I think the women got screwed when the men had one donation of over $300,000 which just seemed unfair in the world of selling a sandwich competition. Lastly, Whitney Houston was buried over the weekend, and somehow Bobby Brown was able to make the tabloid news all about him. Just sad.

Hopefully Stu will be back next week, hopefully I’ll see a movie or Blu-ray, but as always…

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That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

No Orff, Yummy XOCO, Goodbye Chuck, Happy Birthday, and Bad Movies

By: The Dude on the Right

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(Dude note: Computer woes can’t stop a podcast, but they can delay it getting posted for a day or so. All seems well again on the Entertainment Ave! front, but a belated Happy Birthday to Mama Gotz is in order!)

Orff’s “Carmina Burana” came through Chicago again, and again I missed it, but that doesn’t dampen the mood of this “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast episode.  Nope, it’s a podcast of a Happy Birthday for Mama Gotz complete with good food and good friends; It’s a podcast of Mexican street fare compliments, well not really compliments of because we had to pay for it, but damn, XOCO was a good little restaurant place; And it’s a podcast of liking how the TV show “Chuck” wrapped up.

Google is changing their privacy policy, Stu watched some of “Little Fockers,” I watched some of “2012,” Stu doesn’t know who is playing in the Super Bowl, and I don’t think either of us will be seeing a movie about whales.

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That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

A Debate Translator App, Sherlock Holmes, No Tattoos ,Chicken Pot Pie, Oprah Winfrey, and Howard Stern.

By: The Dude on the Right

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With the weather so fabulous in Chicago right now you would think Stu Gotz or I would have gone crazy and gotten stuff done, but, instead, as you’ll find out during this episode of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, it was really a weekend to relax, rest, and finally get ready for 2012.

Stu, at least, did get out with Mama Gotz, and rather than see “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” they opted for “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows”he lets us know if we should go and see it as well. Me, I was going to see “War Horse,” but it was decided a nap was more important and upon further review, even if “War Horse” ends up winning an Academy Award, the nap was the right choice.

Stu didn’t go SCUBA diving, we both liked Charles Barkley on “Saturday Night Live,” I think there should be a Charles Barkley translator app to explain what the Republican candidates are really saying during the debates, Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop was arrested, Stu thinks he might want to see “Beauty and The Beast” in 3-D, while I might be seeing “The Iron Lady” if it opens anywhere near me, and I think Oprah Winfrey and Howard Stern should interview each other. Hopefully we will be more exciting next weekend!

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That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

The Bachelor Women are Back, There’s a Tardis-Shaped Mug, Rubber Tires Attack, and Abraham Lincoln is a Vampire Hunter

By: The Dude on the Right

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It’s a New Year, Stu Gotz is back, and the crazy women on The Bachelor have returned – So far 2012 is proving to be a fabulous year, and during this podcast episode of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast we wrap up our 2011’s and look forward to the 12’s.

Yup, as 2011 wrapped up, Stu and I saw a bunch of movies, so Stu summarizes “Hugo” and “The Adventures of Tintin,” both in 3-D, while I let Stu know if he should see “Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol” or “The Descendants.” Stu doesn’t really tell me if I should seek out a movie called “Rubber,” explains he didn’t like “The Adjustment Bureau” nor “The Green Lantern,” and I couldn’t tell if he was really looking forward to “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” but it really is a movie supposedly coming out in 2012. As for me, I give Stu the skinny on “Rise of the Planet of the Apes,” try to egg him on to watch “The Bachelor,” but tell him that in a worst case, if it’s back on next New Year’s Eve at the end of 2012, some of the best television watching is the ABC 7 Chicago, New Year’s Eve Countdown with Janet Davies and Mark Giangreco for reasons I still can’t totally put into words.

We both got things we wanted for Christmas (Who knew they make a Dr. Who Tardis Mug that’s square?), neither of us seem to have any resolutions for the new year, and it will be nice to get back to normal after the Holiday season.  We start with a podcast.

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That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Fraternity Brothers and Cub Scouts, Hooters and The Cheesecake Factor, Austin Powers and American Pie, Pillars and Ellen’s 12 Days of Giveaways.

By: The Dude on the Right

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I survived a weekend with Theta Xi Fraternity brothers, and Stu Gotz survived a Cub Scout Christmas Party, and during this podcast episode of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” we explain how both events weren’t nearly as crazy as you might think.

Yup, being early December, it was time for a reunion of sorts for me, with lifelong friends from college, and as times have changed, Hooters has been replaced by The Cheesecake Factory and an afternoon in a dimly-lit bar has been replaced by The Lego Store. Stu, meanwhile, kept getting conflicting instructions as to the location of a Cub Scout Christmas Party, but luckily he found it behind door number 41, and as weekends go, Stu is liking “Pillars” on the Reelz Channel, and still is liking “Cowboys & Aliens” now out on Blu-ray and me, well, a busy weekend leads to needing to catch up on my TV viewing, although I am caught up through Day 7 of Ellen’s 12 Days of Giveaways, thinking so far Day 1 was the best day to have been in the audience.

Stu still likes Austin Powers, I’m trying to schedule an “American Pie” marathon with my BFF, Stu tries to offend a lot of various folks, and this is probably the only podcast that will have the sound effect of an MRI as a part of it.

And, oh yea, the Chicago Bears suck.

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That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Barbies are Kissing, Chicago Bears are Fighting, Adele Causes Laughing, and Jewish People are Dancing.

By: The Dude on the Right

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Stu Gotz is back in town, and for this episode of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, he doesn’t have many tales about his trip to Mickey’s World, but he has seen a few movies and lets us know if “Bad Teacher” or “Puss in Boots” are worth the watch. Me, I saw “West Side Story” (which comes out on Blu-ray tomorrow, November 15th), and “Blue Velvet,” and give my recommendations as well, as well as give Stu a recap of my travels to see “A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas.”

Yes, we do talk about movies, but I also tell Stu about some risque Faith Hill and Tim McGraw Barbie moments during the CMA Awards, and that Saturday Night Live did have some funny in it, you just had to wait about an hour and twenty minutes. We analyze dancing Jewish people in the song “Marry Me” from Bruno Mars, discuss fighting during football games, and have a culinary discussion concerning turkey, capon, or cornish hens for Turkey Day. Yup, we’re all over the place, but what kind of podcast would it be if we weren’t?

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!