Did you remember to Spring your clock forward for daylight saving time?

As much as I like the switch to Daylight Saving Time it’s always that first night and first morning after the time change that are the tough part. First off, I have enough trouble trying to fall asleep, but with the time change, at least until I get used to it a bit, trying to get to bed an hour earlier than I’m used to kind of sucks. Even though I’m falling asleep at the same time that I used to do body-clock wise for a few days, this isn’t a huge problem, I suppose. The real problem is the waking up the next morning because work calls and it doesn’t really care what time you went to bed. Sleep aside I’m usually pretty good at changing all of my clocks (although I am a little less obsessive about all clocks being exactly the same, down to the second, as I was in college), but today I actually forgot to change my watch so when someone asked what time it was, for a few seconds I looked at my watch and was confused. Eventually things clicked, I was able to add the hour the time on my watch, and then thought I would plight: Did you remember to Spring your clock forward for daylight saving time?

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Entertaining the Kids, iPad 3 is Coming, Celebrity Apprentice, The Lorax is Good, and Daylight Saving Time.

By: The Dude on the Right

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And here it is, our “Mid-Week Surprise” podcast. Okay, not really a surprise, but some equipment issues kept us from recording a normal “Weekend Wrap-Up,” but that doesn’t make the tales of our weekend old, just well-aged! Me, I spent a lot of time in a suit, a big, blue suit, and Stu Gotz tries to make it dirty, but I won’t let him. I tell Stu tales of good kids, bad kids, and sweatiness. Stu, meanwhile, is helping a Little Gotz make The Ten Commandments, or something out of Mesopotamia.

I tell Stu he should watch “Celebrity Apprentice,” Stu wishes “The Real Housewives of Disney” was a real TV show, we anticipate Apple’s event today announcing a new iPad and Stu’s next birthday gift, an Apple TV, Stu saw “Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax” and “Moneyball,” and I remind everyone about Daylight Saving Time this weekend!

It’s a mid-week special, it’s a podcast, and it looks like neither of us will go and see “John Carter” this weekend because the trailers don’t seem to make us want to.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Here Comes Normal Saving Time, The Elections or Over – Sort of, Gobble-Gobble, and I’m Working on Less

By: The Dude on the Right

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I haven’t done a Thursday podcast in a long time, and with Stu M.I.A., or at least in the state where Miami is, and since I didn’t do a “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast on Monday, I figured I would do a Thursday podcast! Sure, I probably could have tried to get a hold of the W.G.N., or the M.F.N. for this one, or one of my newly in-lawed N.’s, but I’m flying solo.

In my solo-ness, back in the day, or even as soon as a couple of years ago, I would have been excited by the upcoming change from Daylight Saving Time back to Normal Saving Time, but with Milo the wonder-dog, I’m figuring the switch will just mean one more hour to get stuff done rather than the extra hour of sleep I would like.

I also give some election analysis, don’t really give a preview of the upcoming movies this weekend, namely “Megamind” and “Due Date,” only mention them in passing and my hoping to see “Due Date” with My BFF, a.k.a. my wife, and did you realize that Thanksgiving is only in three weeks?

Finally, thanks to a book called “The Power of Less,” I’m on working on being a little less, complete with 15 minutes on my exercise bike, everyday, during November, and so far I’m four days in, with 26 more to go!

Thanks for listening! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

What Would Brian Boitano Do?, What Did Stu See?, What Girl Scout Cookies Do We Like?, and More!

By: The Dude on the Right

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Stu Gotz wishes everyone "Happy Dupa Day!." I know what Brian Boitano would do, and Olympic withdrawal isn’t really a part of this episode of our "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast. Sure, the Winter Olympics are over and Stu Gotz has a new Wii game about it, but both of us are actually happy the sport’s fest is over because that means our normal TV viewing is back, especially "Chuck," although we could both do without Jay Leno returning, and we analyze "The Marriage Ref." Me, I didn’t see any movies but did hit a lot of stores, while Stu and the Gotz clan went to see "Percy Jackson & The Olympians" and he says that "Harry Potter" has nothing to worry about.

Stu does make me a little bummed, as I think about it now, because he’s got Girl Scout Cookies on the way, and I have none, but I’ll get over it as I sort of spill the beans a little about a project I’m finishing up that has kept me away from movie-going. Stu wonders if my BFF will be mad if we have a boys day and see "Alice in Wonderland" this Friday, he also is looking forward to the DVD of "Gentlemen Broncos," and is preparing for Daylight Saving Time on March 14th, and me, well, next week I’m hoping to make a giant announcement, a huge announcement, or at least an announcement, but for now you’ll have to listen to get a clue!

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!