Will you be watching “The Bachelor” finale?

I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, but I’m a fan of “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette” series on ABC. There’s just something about the wacky concept of meeting your soul-mate over a TV show, being transported to various romantic locals and falling in love, and then coming back to your normal life and realizing “Why can’t we go to Thailand for a romantic getaway?” “Because we don’t have any money.” “Oh yea. Who are you anyway?”

This season they brought back Sean, whom I still don’t remember that well from his Bachelorette days, and if your name was a version of Ashley (there was an Ashley P., and Ashley H., and an AshLee F.) or a Leslie (or Lesley), you had a pretty good chance of being on the show. As of now there is only Catherine and Lindsay remaining, and my money is on Lindsay as Catherine seems to be the one he kept around for fun on his way to true, found on a TV show love. Of course, in true Bachelor fashion, there is something heart-wrenching going on as we see Sean get a letter from Chris Harrison on the final rose stop in the previews for the finale Monday night, but like all, except for Sean, Chris Harrison, and a bunch of other people sworn to secrecy, we’ll have to wait for the way-too-long finale show, full of thoughtful gazes by our contestants, out into the horizon, wondering if true love for them will be found on a TV show. And yes, I’ll be watching Monday, but I’m also plighting: Will you be watching “The Bachelor” finale?

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Will Sean Lowe Make a Good Bachelor on “The Bachelor?”

Somehow, someway, I keep finding myself getting sucked into “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette,” and I’m still not sure why. Hell, I even found myself watching “Bachelor Pad” this summer and loved when the dude stiffed the girl and kept the prize money for himself. Notice how I can’t remember any of their names? Well, the other day it was announced that Sean Lowe was going to be the next contestant looking for true love on “The Bachelor,” and my first word was “Who?” Yup, once again a past loser on the bachelorette show becomes the lead contestant on the bachelor show, and it’s quickly becoming clear that if you want to be the bachelor or the bachelorette, you need to be one of the losers as a tryout on the opposite show.

Turns out Sean was one of the losers of Emily’s affection, she who opted for Jef Holm and also has to keep squashing stories of their love not going to last, so of course Sean is the likely choice to find a woman and fall into a summer of “Sean and Ms. Thang are breaking up!” headlines.

I can say I won’t watch the season when it kicks back into gear in January of 2013, but somehow it will find it’s way to my DVR, and within two episodes I’ll be sucked in, waiting for the next meltdown of some lady who thinks she can find love on TV (or is just hoping to be the next bachelorette thus keeping her dreams of reality show TV stardom alive for another season), and although I don’t really care because I’ll be watching it for the nut-job ladies, I do plight: Will Sean Lowe make a good bachelor on “The Bachelor?”

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Leap Day Oscar Talk, The Bachelor is Great, iPad 3 Specs, Cleaning Vomit, and Needing some Hard Wood.

By: The Dude on the Right

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No, this isn’t a special Leap Day podcast, it’s just our normal “Weekend Wrap-Up” a few days late because we were so mesmerized by The Academy Awards we were left speechless for a few days. But, here we are, with extended insight into the Oscars, including Stu’s thinking Sandra Bullock is getting old and his having a Muppet song stuck in his head, while me, I’m disappointed Ryan Seacrest doesn’t have a sense of humor and almost tweeted something mean about the Cirque de Soleil folks.

Movies a lot of people didn’t see aside, it wouldn’t be a podcast without TV talk, and I’m still sucked into Bachelor Ben and Courtney on The Bachelor while Stu is sucked into Breaking Bad. Stu had a sick Gotz, I ate Greek food, Stu saw Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, and I give my analysis of what the new features will be with the unveiling of the iPad 3 next week. And, oh yea, Stu has a friend who needed hard wood this morning.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

The Bachelor Women are Back, There’s a Tardis-Shaped Mug, Rubber Tires Attack, and Abraham Lincoln is a Vampire Hunter

By: The Dude on the Right

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It’s a New Year, Stu Gotz is back, and the crazy women on The Bachelor have returned – So far 2012 is proving to be a fabulous year, and during this podcast episode of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast we wrap up our 2011’s and look forward to the 12’s.

Yup, as 2011 wrapped up, Stu and I saw a bunch of movies, so Stu summarizes “Hugo” and “The Adventures of Tintin,” both in 3-D, while I let Stu know if he should see “Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol” or “The Descendants.” Stu doesn’t really tell me if I should seek out a movie called “Rubber,” explains he didn’t like “The Adjustment Bureau” nor “The Green Lantern,” and I couldn’t tell if he was really looking forward to “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” but it really is a movie supposedly coming out in 2012. As for me, I give Stu the skinny on “Rise of the Planet of the Apes,” try to egg him on to watch “The Bachelor,” but tell him that in a worst case, if it’s back on next New Year’s Eve at the end of 2012, some of the best television watching is the ABC 7 Chicago, New Year’s Eve Countdown with Janet Davies and Mark Giangreco for reasons I still can’t totally put into words.

We both got things we wanted for Christmas (Who knew they make a Dr. Who Tardis Mug that’s square?), neither of us seem to have any resolutions for the new year, and it will be nice to get back to normal after the Holiday season.  We start with a podcast.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

The New Year is Here, I Loved “The Fighter,” Advice for Carol Mosley Braun, and Yup, I’m Watching “The Bachelor.”

By: The Dude on the Right

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It’s a New Year, it’s a “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, and Stu Gotz isn’t here because, as it turns out, you can’t really just leave your kids at their school when school is not in session. Alas, I’m flying solo for this podcast, that, for reasons beyond my control, couldn’t get posted until tonight even though I recorded it a few days ago, but during it I give my recap of my New Year’s Eve festivities, my take on Dick Clark, my strange addiction to Janet Davies handling the Chicago countdown, and wouldn’t you know it, I saw some movies!

Yup, the extended weekend allowed me to catch “The Fighter” and really like it, allowed me to watch “The Kids are All Right” and like it, and watch “Wall Street: Money Never Sleep” and play Cityville at the same time.  And in further review, I realize I don’t have “Eat. Pray. Love.” up next on my Netflix queue as I mention in the podcast, so we’ll see how My BFF enjoys something a little different, or hits me with a frying pan.

Also, “The Bachelor” has kicked back in to TV land, and I’m not totally into it, find the vampire girl creepy, and am sad the Palos Hills, IL, girl did not get a rose, but, I’m sure once we get rid of some of the dead weight, I’ll be sucked right back into it!

Hopefully Stu will be back next week where we can recap his holiday travels, recap CES that neither of us attended, talk about movies we want to see, see if Stu agrees with my mayoral advice for Carol Mosley Braun, and maybe he’ll find out if my wife hits me over the head with a frying pan or not for my Netflix selection.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this podcast! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!