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gn="center" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" height="15">A Review by Big Cooter
Photos & Comments by
The Dude on the Right
Back at the Buzz stage, and Girls Against Boys were taking the stage as 7M3 were wrapping up. This band was fairly strange, as there were no Girls in the band. Now, I have never Girls Against Boys Photo 1heard them before, or at least never realized it if I heard them on Q101, but I would have expected that there be an equal number of chicks and dudes. But alas, I am wrong yet again. Girls Against Boys Photo 2This band was not much of a vocalist kind of band, they were verging on rapping but not quite. Hell, I would even go so far as to claim that they might have been something along the lines of a poetry nite set to music. Needless to say, I wasn't too impressed. Matter of fact I think I didn't like these guys more than I didn't like 7M3. Boy, we are totally on a roll now at the Jamboree. Maybe I didn't like these guys because they were from NY City. Nah, I am much more open minded than that, and besides the Bulls had already dumped the losers from NY. So that wasn't it. Hrm, I don't know I just didn't get into their music. The only song that sorta made sense to me was a song that I think was called "Kill The Sax Player." I can relate to this only because my ex-girlfriend was a Sax player. So, I guess that might save enough face with me to earn them a Shrug. I would have to think that the crowd at the Buzz stage pretty much agreed with me because they were whipping soda and stuff towards the stage. Then again, these kids nowadays kinda blow my mind. Boy do I sound old or what? Time for a beer I think. (It's me again, DOTR. I've heard all of these great things about Girls Against Boys, and I wonder where they are, because they sure weren't there this day. I was disappointed, and it seemed like a lot of the crowd was too. I can't be as forgiving, maybe because I haven't had a girlfriend who played the sax. I hate to do it, but I give Girls Against Boys ONE THUMB DOWN.)

The Bands

The Main Stage The Second Stage
No Doubt
Seven Mary Three
Foo Fighters
Cypress Hill
Stabbing Westward
Girls Against Boys
Afghan Whigs


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