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Q101 Jamboree 1996
Cypress Hill
and the day is over!
A Concert Review
In Reverse: The Foo Fighters
Or: From the Beginning

May 26, 1996

The New World
Music Theatre

Tinley Park, IL

A Review by Big Cooter
Photos & Comments by
The Dude on the Right
Last up for the evening brought Cypress Hill - the pro dope, err marijuana, rappers. I have heard someCypress Hill Kills Photo 1 stuff from this guy and was actually looking forward to actually seeing him, actually them, live. The one thing I did find odd was the fact that I don't recall the last time I heard a Cypress Hill tune played on Q101. Maybe they play him all the time while I am channel surfing, could be right? Anyhoo, Cypress came out with as much attitude as any other performer there during this day. Him and his counterpart rapper were running from side to side of the stage and trying to get everyone into it. I know that the guy sitting behind me got into it, a bit much I would have to say, as he let loose a stream of vomit that grossed out everyone in my section. It was too bad to because the little girlies I was talking too bolted on me. I was quite bummed yet relieved cuz it eliminated all possibilities of me getting into trouble for cradle robbing, hey I'll try anything once.....nah I ain't that big of a perv. But, back to Cypress. Well, I guess I am gonna have to break down and tell ya that I left about half way through his show, mostly due to the nasty smell emanating beside me. So, as we jetted out of the place, and Cypress was starting to kick it up another notch. He did quite the job of entertaining, see, I had never seen a rapper till today and kinda expected it to be lame. But it actually was pretty cool, and having him light one up on stage right before he sang "I Want To Get High" was one of the funniest sites I have seen at a show in a while. I am just oh so curious to know if it was actually a dube he had up on stage. I believe it was just because of the stand they make on dope. It is not an attitude that everyone should smoke it, because he did mention at one point in the show that "even if you don't smoke marijuana, were gonna rock the house," or something like that. So Cypress finished out a pretty good day by rocking on into the nite. Cypress Hill Photo 2And, even though the end of the concert was heard back on the way to the car, I could hear everyone enjoy themselves, so I am gonna give Cypress Hill Two big ole Thumbs Up! Not bad, closing out the review with a few two thumbers.

And the day is over.....

Overall, the Q101 Jambore">


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