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Puya Concert Reviews

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Q101 Jamboree 1999

A Concert Review
Next Up: 2 Skinnee J's
Or: From the Beginning

May 22, 1999

The New World
Music Theatre

Tinley Park, IL

A Review by
The Dude on the Left &
The Dude on the Right
Photos by
The Dude on the Right

More Photos of
The Dude on the Left says...
The first band of the day, Puya was a mix of Pantera and Santana. They had the Pantera screaming vocals, with a Latin beat, including bongos and the vase thing with the beads on it. It was well into the second song before we realized he wasn't singing in English, and the extent of my Spanish is "where's the bathroom," so I have no idea what he was singing about, but he sure seemed angry. All in all, the crowd seemed to enjoy these guys, and when the lead singer wasn't screaming, he actually had a pretty good voice.

The Dude on the Right says...
Sort of ditto to what The Dude on the Left said. As I took my place in front of the stage to take pictures, going through my head, and from what it sounded from a lot of the people around me, was simply "who?" I had never heard of Puya, and they said they were getting airplay, but I guess I keep missing them. I will say I did enjoy them, liked them even, and thought the band did a pretty good job of getting things started. I can't say I'll go out of my way to see them again, but if I do notice them touring I might try to catch a full set. I'll take the DOTL's word that they sang in Spanish, from where I was it was just loud and distorted and still cool.

The Bands

The Main Stage The Second Stage
2 Skinnee J's
Blink 182
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Kottonmouth Kings
Local H
The Flys


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