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Orgy Concert Reviews
- September 27, 1998

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Q101 Jamboree 1999

A Concert Review
Next Up: Offspring
In Reverse:
Or: From the Beginning

May 22, 1999

The New World
Music Theatre

Tinley Park, IL

A Review by
The Dude on the Left &
The Dude on the Right
Photos by
The Dude on the Right
The Dude on the Left says...
Didn't see 'em.

The Dude on the Right says...
I think The Dude on the Left was still in shock from seeing Courtney's breasts so he didn't make the trek over to the second stage for the last band, but I did. That band was Orgy.

Although I still don't know most of the music they play, Orgy did a much better job this time than when I saw them on the Family Values tour. Like that time the band worked the stage, strolling back and forth, but this time the band seemed to have that one thing that was missing the last time - attitude. Jay Gordon worked the crowd rather than just singing and that made seeing them this time much more enjoyable.

A short review again, I'm actually looking forward to seeing a full-blown show now. Now their show fits their music, and a few more fans to get into the music doesn't hurt.


The Bands

The Main Stage The Second Stage
2 Skinnee J's
Blink 182
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Kottonmouth Kings
Local H
The Flys


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