Did you remember to Spring your clock forward for daylight saving time?

As much as I like the switch to Daylight Saving Time it’s always that first night and first morning after the time change that are the tough part. First off, I have enough trouble trying to fall asleep, but with the time change, at least until I get used to it a bit, trying to get to bed an hour earlier than I’m used to kind of sucks. Even though I’m falling asleep at the same time that I used to do body-clock wise for a few days, this isn’t a huge problem, I suppose. The real problem is the waking up the next morning because work calls and it doesn’t really care what time you went to bed. Sleep aside I’m usually pretty good at changing all of my clocks (although I am a little less obsessive about all clocks being exactly the same, down to the second, as I was in college), but today I actually forgot to change my watch so when someone asked what time it was, for a few seconds I looked at my watch and was confused. Eventually things clicked, I was able to add the hour the time on my watch, and then thought I would plight: Did you remember to Spring your clock forward for daylight saving time?

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!