Do You Have a Twitter Account you Don’t Use?

Do You Have a Twitter Account you Don’t Use?

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I tend to forget how many Twitter accounts I have. Yes, I have my personal one at @aplabis, there is @enteravenue, and then there is the slew of accounts I set up to A) Help promote some iPhone apps I have. B) Save them from squatters so someone can’t pose as names close to mine, because, you know, I’m a famous person in my own head. C) I thought they might be cool names to have someday. In all I probably have a dozen accounts, of which I really use two.

The reason I’m bringing this up is there was a report out showing that 44% of Twitter users have never sent a Tweet. I think, much like Facebook accounts people don’t use, Twitter is a bastion of accounts that people set up, followed a few people, looked at a few times, and from this report, 66% maybe even sent a Tweet, something like “Hey, this is my first Tweet!” Then, I’ll bet, most of the people go away.

Will I ever use some of those Twitter accounts? Probably not. Do I even remember the passwords? Hmm? I’m part of that 44% who haven’t sent a Tweet, but I’m wondering more about those who have an account they used before, but forgot about. With that, I’m wondering: Do you have a Twitter account you don’t use?

That’s it for this one! L8R!!!

Have you Tweeted a Correction to an Earlier Tweet?

I would like to think my answer to today’s plight would be in the affirmative, but I honestly can’t remember if I’ve ever tweeted out a correction. Thankfully, though, with yesterday’s plight about not being able to watch the MTV VMA’s I didn’t reference the Will Smith family reaction to Miley Cyrus, you know, the picture that went viral of a seemingly disgusted, lovely family moment, supposedly watching Miley Cyrus at the awards. The problem was, this tweet,originally attributed to @chi_chibaby in most stories, (I received a retweet in my Twitter feed to it) wasn’t actually the family reacting to Miley, it was their reaction to Lady Gaga. @chi_chibaby went on the defensive when word started spreading she was wrong instead of just saying something like “My bad,” MTV seemingly stated in a follow-up story it was a picture coinciding with Lady Gaga, I’m guessing Lady Gaga was upset because the viral picture that could have kept her at least a little relevant for the awards was mis-attributed, and then there is the part of me that wonders where the original picture came from because I’m thinking it was poached from another source and the original poster is like “Hey, what about my retweets and new followers?”

Oh well. As talk of Miley Cyrus’ performance will quickly go away especially as, I’m sure, we have our next Lohan/Kardashian/Bynes story to take its place, at least until next year’s VMA when we will be reminded of all of the “outrageous” moments as some sort of publicity campaign for MTV, I’m glad I didn’t fall into the trap of misinformation. Many did, I’m guessing 99% of those didn’t tweet out any type of correction, and I’m plighting: Have you tweeted a correction to an earlier tweet?

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Would You Ever Wear, or Let Your Man Wear Meggings?

I’m not a huge Twitter person, I don’t follow everyone who follows me, nor always reply to people, and I only occasionally find something I think I should post because it looks like everyone else already found it, but every now and then someone pops on my radar or follows me, and then suddenly I’m a fan. Granted not every tweet is something I’m looking for, but usually during the day, between most of the folks I follow, I get some enjoyment from Twitter. My latest batch of enjoyment, weirdly enough, is from a dudette I don’t really know nor can I remember how I ended up following her, but Michelle Tripp (@michelletripp) recently tweeted “I just googled “meggings” and now my eyes are burning.”

As my luck, or rather no luck would have it, my Tweet-checking came during lunch as it often does, and of course I googled “meggings. The results popped up, complete with a bunch of images, and I was treated to what could be one of the most non-appealing-to-me fashion trends short of the return of neon colored clothing that seems to be proliferating the stores lately. What are meggings? I guess the easiest way to put it is they are legging for men. Remember when people made fun of the “manssiere” made famous from “Seinfeld?” Well, meggings are ripe for making fun of, but sadly the “hip” people like Justin Bieber and Russell Brand seem to like them.

I know I wouldn’t be caught dead in meggings, and I’m praying my wife hates them as well, but I simply plight: Would you ever wear, or let your man wear meggings?

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right! L8R!

I Don’t Have Too Many Eggs (I think), I Just Lost My Basket!

By: The Dude on the Right

As Stu Gotz couldn’t meet up with me today to do a podcast, rather than do a solo episode I decided to hold off the podcast for a day, especially since I know Stu is dying to find out how my bachelor party weekend went since he couldn’t make the trip to New Jersey.  So, that discussion will hit tomorrow. Instead I decided this might be a great time to do a blog – something I haven’t done for this site in quite some time.

Now I mention “this site,” because as I had some time away over the weekend, and have blogged on some other sites I have recently and neglecting this one, and as I’ve been pondering this for quite a while now, I started to look at all of the things I’ve got going, especially since I started developing iPhone apps, and I suppose getting married, and I guess having four Twitter accounts, and then there is my weight loss blog, and, okay…

So, yup, I’ve got a lot of things going on, and I tried to reflect on them.  I said to myself, “Self, why don’t you prioritize them and knock off a couple to free up some time/space in your mind?” I started to look at some of the projects I’ve got active (on life support in some cases), seeing if I really wanted to axe any of them, and I ended up with the following priority list, rating each thing individually on a scale of 1 to 10 in general importance to me/I love doing it/I miss doing it/I want to do more of it/and general 1 to 10-ness, with 1 being high and 10 being low.

  • My Wedding: Um, it’s a 1, duh.
  • My life with my BFF: 1
  • Other hobbies/things around the house/projects: 1

Yes, seriously, as I looked at my list, and there are a few things missing from the above list, there isn’t one of them that I don’t love doing, don’t get jazzed about when I do get around to working on, and yes, I agree, in actuality all of them should have a “2” next to them and “My life with my BFF” is actually the only “1,” but hey, I think even she understands.

The thing is, as I looked at this list, I pondered the idea of consolidating.  For example, do I really need four Twitter accounts? My contemplation on this is simply would my Twitter followers under whenismile actually care about the tweets that would be appropriate for drewdude, and would my general tweeting in dudeonright really be what those in myweightplan would want to read?  And then there is the fact that, right now, whenismile is a little more private, at least from some friends and family, so I can tweet things there without worrying about what they might say.  In fact, I’ve almost been confused about tweeting sometimes wondering which account to put it under, and if I posted the same tweet under all four accounts, thinking all of my followers would like to read it, and someone followed all four accounts, would they be pissed at getting the same tweet pretty much four times?

Then there are the blogs I have.  Yup, would Entertainment Ave!-land actually care that I have a blog about my attempt at losing weight?  When I Smile, which is geared towards things about my “Make Me Smile” app, really doesn’t seem to be the right place for Stu Gotz and our podcasts every now and then.  And I could go on an on.

I guess my pondering really centers about “To consolidate, or not to consolidate – That is the question!”  And if so, what is the best way to go about it?  Sure, I could leave everything under my Webventure Avenue company moniker, but that doesn’t seem to be right.  I’ve had Entertainment Ave! for over 15 years and hate to put that by the wayside.  I suppose Mostly Entertainment could get wrapped into the Entertainment Ave! site, but should it be separate?  Ugh!

I guess I need to let these thoughts bounce around in my head a little more, since, in coming to a final conclusion, if the answer is to “consolidate” then that creates another issue – total site-redesigns of everything I have to get them under one umbrella, or at least in one basket.  And even if I don’t consolidate, maybe I should actually use some of my organization skills/software/thoughts, to put things into little blocks, workable blocks, so that each project is it’s own little world, yet gets some attention every day, with the most, of course, being my BFF.

At least my wedding will be able to be taken off this list in two months – when the “I do”’s have been said, but I’m sure when that egg has been hatched I’m going to just lay another one – I just hope I can get that one to land in the basket I haven’t found yet.

And sure, if you’ve got any answers for the question “To consolidate or not to consolidate!”, I would love to hear them!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

The C-Word, The Blackhawks, The Treasure Isle, The Kick-Ass, The Great Lake Pizza, and The More!

By: The Dude on the Right

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Hide the kids, put on the headphones, and don’t play this “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast at work because Stu Gotz can’t stand a star that is dancing (psst, it’s Kate Gosselin) and uses language that only an 11 year old girl would use, that is if the 11 year old girl was in a movie called “Kick-Ass.” Me, I tell Stu some of the words that the 11 year old girl uses, and also if the movie is any good (I loved it). Also along the movie front, Stu, for reasons I’m still not sure, watched “The Yearling” with Gregory Peck and “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” with Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra, and I’m really getting worried about Stu.

We also chat a bit about the Chicago Blackhawks as they are in the race for The Stanley Cup, Stu gives his “expert” opinion about Ke$ha while I explain my desire to be a Ke$ha back-up dancer, I fill Stu in on a pizza joint in Chicago called Great Lake that has the “best” pizza in America (somehow I compare it to seeing an artsy movie), both of us are now addicted to Zynga’s latest Facebook creation, Treasure Isle, and I wonder if Stu, being the dive-dork that he is, has seen the video of the octopus that stole some dude’s camera that is propogating the Twitter universe (hey, go ahead and follow me at @dudeonright). Also, there’s a dirty Starbuck’s bathroom, and it’s in the Andersonville neighborhood in Chicago in case you want to avoid it.

All of that and more, if all of that’s not enough. Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!