That’s a Lot of Rain, He Says His Wife is Smokin’ Hot, Who is Doctor Who, and Cars, Cars, and More Cars!

By: The Dude on the Right

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I’m becoming a mall walker, and Stu Gotz is becoming a “Doctor Who” nerd – It’s another “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast episode!

Yup, my weekend was pretty uneventful, as I did some analysis of Woodfield Mall here in Illinois, I cleaned my balls, and I wondered if I should change churches or start following NASCAR again thanks to the rousing Pastor Nelms getting the racers ready for a race over the weekend. And speaking of auto racing, Stu and Mama Gotz are quickly becoming demolition derby aficionados, if one can be a demolition derby aficionado, and on the same note, sort of, Stu breaks down “Cars 2” for everyone.

Neither of us saw “Captain America” yet although a lot of other people did, there were obscene amounts of rain over the weekend in the Chicago area and I was oblivious to it, Stu is building a tee pee, and both of us are looking forward to the return of “Beavis and Butthead” this fall, thanks to a reminder from Comic-Con. And hey, if things go well, I’ll also see “Cowboys and Aliens” this weekend, though I’m not holding my breath.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this podcast! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Get Ready to Get Source Code, Zookeeper is Fine, Stu Hates the Heat, and I Didn’t Wear a Captain’s Hat.

By: The Dude on the Right

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So Steve Dahl, radio dude in Chicago, announced he will be charging $9.95/month for an unregulated and uncensored podcast starting in August, but we’ve got your unregulated, and since Stu drops an s-bomb in less than one minute during our “Weekend Wrap-Up!”, I guess you could also call it uncensored, podcast right here! All for free! And if this seems like a shameless mention to plug the Stever’s new business model, and maybe get us a hit or two on a search, so be it.

In any case, for this episode, Stu Gotz and I recollect that there are many movies we know all of the words to, like “Caddyshack,” yet if we were to try and do some calculus – forget it! “Caddyshack” was on my mind as I made a trip to the Chicago Yacht Club for some family bonding over the weekend, while Stu finally had enough family bonding, in the heat, humidity, and buggyness of a Saturday, and retreated to the air-conditioned comfort of the Gotz tenement-on-wheels.

On the movie front, I give a high recommendation for “Source Code” when it comes out on Blu-ray on July 26th, while Stu says that if you have kids you will probably do okay at “Zookeeper” as long as you expect exactly what you find in the trailer.

I’m back watching “Big Brother,” Stu wonders how many seasons of it there have been and I can’t help him, the Chicago Cubs are probably happy the All-Star break has hit as they seem to be on their way to a 74-110 record (Okay, I know there are only 162 games, at least I do now as I did some research, but I thought the All-Star break was at the mid-point of the season, so I suppose I should say a 65 and 97, but hey, who’s counting?), and somehow I watched a little bit of “Doctor Who,” to which I also found out Stu knows Doctor Who like some people know Star Trek.

Hopefully, next week, Stu will give his final thoughts on the “Harry Potter” series as the 2nd part of The Deathly Hallows opens this week, but who knows what next weekend has in store, all I know is that this weekend is done!

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this podcast! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Arena Football is Fun, John Rich is a Winner, Dr. Strangelove is Good, and Balls are Clean.

By: The Dude on the Right

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Stu Gotz is watching old movies (Dr. Strangelove), and I’m watching girly TV (Real Housewives of New Jersey), and during this podcast episode of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!”, we dissect is all, sort of. We have talk about a Chicago Rush game, talk about The Celebrity Apprentice, but surprisingly no review talk about “Pirates of the Caribbean.” I tell Stu he should catch the season finale of “Saturday Night Live” with Justin Timberlake and Lady Gaga because it is was very funny, and Stu learns his kids might be a little too young for “Doctor Who” sometimes.

We have tick talk, “American Idol” talk, and whether you want it or not, a lot of talk about washing my balls.

All of that and more, and thanks for listening!

That’s it for this podcast! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Stupid or Lazy? Dogs or Bunnies? Boston Rob or Gary Busey?

By: The Dude on the Right

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Stu Gotz’s weekend involved bunny rabbits and mine involved a dog, so during this “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast we discuss animals. We also discuss being domestic, as the Dude household needs some windows treatments for privacy purposes, while Stu wants my opinion of a person he interacted with over the weekend, and if they were stupid or just lazy.

On the movie front, Stu lets everyone know if “Hop” is destined to be a classic, or at least if it’s any good, and I’m telling you that the movie “Babies” contains a lot of boobies, but not necessarily those you might originally be thinking about. Stu is looking for a Doctor Who coffee mug, I’m looking for a quieter dog, Stu didn’t watch something that had to do about “Burn Notice,” and I’m still wrapped into “Celebrity Apprentice” and “Survivor: Redemption Island.” All of that and more!

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this podcast! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Comfortable Socks, American Idol, Celebrity Apprentice, New Jersey, and Movies Nobody Saw.

By: The Dude on the Right

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I’m sick of winter, and during this episode of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast Stu Gotz and I discuss how, with the Chicago Cubs home opener coming up, we have a pretty good idea that the weather will suck for it, mostly because it usually does. We are both watching TV and I dissect “American Idol” for him, and how I think the judges wasted their “Save,” while he and Mama Gotz are hoping that “V” comes back next season and Stu is eagerly awaiting “Doctor Who.”

I saw people celebrating “Wear Your Pajamas” day, Stu had to buy comfortable socks, I’m loving this season of “Celebrity Apprentice,” and we discuss a bunch of movies we didn’t see. All of that and more!

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this podcast! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Allergies Abound, Sucked in at Sam’s Club, and a Smart, or maybe just big, Ass.

By: The Dude on the Right

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I got sucked into the sample folks at Sam’s Club, and during this podcast episode of our "Weekend Wrap-Up!", I tell Stu Gotz what me and the BFF came home with (it was yummy, and oversized)! Me, for the most part, had a non-eventful weekend, although I treated my BFF to a viewing of "Hot Tub Time Machine," and I let Stu know if he missed anything during last night’s Emmy Awards (How cool would it have been if they could have gotten Bruce Springsteen to show up?).

Stu, meanwhile, found out that he has a smart ass, or at least a big ass, and that story has nothing to do with the kicking shoes around at a Tae Kwon Do tournament. A lot of Stu’s weekend had to do with allergies, with his kicking his ass (I sense a theme), him wondering about the proliferation of allergies and kids, and him sounding a little disappointed in Mama Gotz who decided she wanted to bring nuts to a picnic where a lot of kids would be.

Stu is still stuck on Doctor Who and he saw "Casino Royale," I don’t think my BFF and I will be having a honeymoon under the sea, and I eagerly await Apple’s next media event on Wednesday where the rumors say they will announce a batch of new iPods and a new version of iLife, but we’ll find out later about that, and hey, I don’t really talk about it during the podcast, but I’m still always excited about an Apple event.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

An S&M Sunday, Port-O-Potties, Dr. Who is Who, and Being Super Macho

By: The Dude on the Right

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Although a lot of Chicago ended up flooded, happily myself and Stu Gotz detail, during our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, our survival tips, or rather our “We were just lucky” tips, of the Chicago flood of 2010. Stu fought the flooding by braving the elements during a camping trip, while I fought them with being oblivious, and although no worse for wear, Stu does have some issues with his air conditioning which hopefully are getting repaired as we speak.

Rain didn’t seem to dampen either of our weekends as Stu continued his investigative reporting of how to have fun with your kids at a demolition derby, and in tonight’s episode we find out about taking your Little Gotz into a port-a-potty, and how it might be the woman’s fault for the mess. Me, as the big day draws closer, a lot of me is about getting married, and finding wedding bands took precedence this weekend, and chatting with our priest for the wedding.

Stu went diving, I did mopping; Stu thinks Dr. Who is Doctress Who, and I think some dude in this summer’s Big Brother is a genius. And, well, neither of us has still seen “Inception,” and neither of us will being trying “Super Macho,” with all of its bull semen supposed goodness.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!