Have You Used the “Near Me” Feature on the iPhone App Store App?

Have You Used the "Near Me" Feature on the iPhone App Store App?

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Maybe I need to get out more, or maybe I need to go to some more exciting places, but the other day I started to become fascinated with the “Near Me” feature on the App Store app on my iPhone. Supposedly it shows what some of the most popular apps are around you that people are downloading, and for them most part the people around me are really concerned about the news or how to get from here to there, although it also seems like my neighborhood has a lot of radio legend, Steve Dahl, fans, as his app is displayed prominently among the choices.

I’ve tried it a couple of times at places I’ve been, and usually it’s been a similar result – local news apps, travel times, train schedules, but oddly enough, never seeming to be anything fun. I think I might need to head to some fun parts of the area and see what comes up, but for now I wonder: Have you used the “Near Me” feature on the iPhone App Store app, and what the heck, I’m curious of any wacky ones that might show up near you.

That’s it for this one! I’m Andy!! L8R!!!

Get Ready to Get Source Code, Zookeeper is Fine, Stu Hates the Heat, and I Didn’t Wear a Captain’s Hat.

By: The Dude on the Right

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So Steve Dahl, radio dude in Chicago, announced he will be charging $9.95/month for an unregulated and uncensored podcast starting in August, but we’ve got your unregulated, and since Stu drops an s-bomb in less than one minute during our “Weekend Wrap-Up!”, I guess you could also call it uncensored, podcast right here! All for free! And if this seems like a shameless mention to plug the Stever’s new business model, and maybe get us a hit or two on a search, so be it.

In any case, for this episode, Stu Gotz and I recollect that there are many movies we know all of the words to, like “Caddyshack,” yet if we were to try and do some calculus – forget it! “Caddyshack” was on my mind as I made a trip to the Chicago Yacht Club for some family bonding over the weekend, while Stu finally had enough family bonding, in the heat, humidity, and buggyness of a Saturday, and retreated to the air-conditioned comfort of the Gotz tenement-on-wheels.

On the movie front, I give a high recommendation for “Source Code” when it comes out on Blu-ray on July 26th, while Stu says that if you have kids you will probably do okay at “Zookeeper” as long as you expect exactly what you find in the trailer.

I’m back watching “Big Brother,” Stu wonders how many seasons of it there have been and I can’t help him, the Chicago Cubs are probably happy the All-Star break has hit as they seem to be on their way to a 74-110 record (Okay, I know there are only 162 games, at least I do now as I did some research, but I thought the All-Star break was at the mid-point of the season, so I suppose I should say a 65 and 97, but hey, who’s counting?), and somehow I watched a little bit of “Doctor Who,” to which I also found out Stu knows Doctor Who like some people know Star Trek.

Hopefully, next week, Stu will give his final thoughts on the “Harry Potter” series as the 2nd part of The Deathly Hallows opens this week, but who knows what next weekend has in store, all I know is that this weekend is done!

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this podcast! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!