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Concert Reviews:
Reba McEntire
- July 31, 1998
- August 25, 1996
- August 20, 1995
- August 27, 1994

Bill Engvall
- May 4, 1996

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Reba McEntire
with John Michael Montgomery
& Bill Engvall
A Concert Review

August 27, 1994

Poplar Creek
Music Theatre

Hoffman Estates, IL

A Review and Photos by
The Dude on the Right
Archive Photo
The Dude on the Right
Every once in a while something happens, messing up your normal planned schedule. This week on assignment, my duty took me to Poplar Creek Music Theatre to see a lovely country dudette, a "Kickin' It Up" country dude, and a surprise comedian. My partner was to have handled the Bog last Thursday, but unfortunately, a missing persons emergency came up (I'm sure he'll fill you in next week), and I write here alone. Oh well, I've done it before, and will probably do it again. So, sad as it is, there is no review of the opening Bog night. But, to what I got to see.....

Reba McEntire, her band, and entourage of back-up singers. I must say, it was a good night. Now, some people thought her little opening of snippets and clips of Reba winning a billion awards was a little conceited, but hey, if you can't be proud of your own achievements, who will. I will say it was a little corny, but I'm probably more jealous than anything. And then the real show started.
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I likened Reba's show to a Meat Loaf concert. I know all of you are saying "What?" but it's true (although Reba is a little bit better looking). Reba is one of those artists that just doesn't get up there and sing, she performs. Some of it a little hokey, but it's a hell of a lot more exciting than her just standing there singing hit after hit. With props, costume changes, and even a little bit o' magic, Reba showed a talent that goes past her singing voice. At the speed she was going, I half expected her to go swinging on the light rigging, ala Garth, and it wouldn't have really surprised me.

The hits were there, the "Is There Life Our There," "Greatest Man I Never Knew," "Walk On," "Fancy," and the duet with Linda Davis, "Does He Love You." Reba even let Linda sing one of her own solo songs, "If Love Didn't Do It, She Did." (a side note, I give Linda Davis Two Thumbs Up for her job as a back-up singer, as well as her short little solo spot - she sounded great). Even Reba's new material from her new album "Read My Mind" sounded great, especially "She Thinks His Name Was John," where I think too many people, even guys, can relate to.
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And so, even with the bragging rights Reba McEntire has, she still puts on one hell of a show for her fans. Without further ado, you guessed it, Reba McEntire gets TWO THUMBS UP from this dude. I really enjoyed the show, and the only people who didn't seem to were some husbands, dragged there by their wives, who prefer the Kentucky Headhunters. Too bad.

Opening up for Reba was one of the latest country music wonder boys, John Michael Montgomery. He mixed up most of his hits, from him ballads to his Could ya, would ya, if I asked ya, I can't remember all of the 'ould ya's, "Be My Baby Tonight." I have to say I was impressed. I want to say I expected a little more, but taking into account that his father passed away less than a week before, I can only expect what he can really do on stage when all is well. He did the show for the fans, and for his father, but you could tell there was a little bit of sadness on his mind. His closure of Lynyrd Skynyrd's classic "Sweet Home Alabama" was a great touch, and hinted at what he is really musically capable of. So, this time I give John Michael Montgomery Two Thumbs Up for putting on the show he did.
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And finally, opening up for J.M. Montgomery was a comedian. Kill me now, but I didn't get the guys name, and I really wish I did because I'd love to see this guy do stand-up again (I found out his name - it's Bill Engvall - watch for him - he's a riot!). Very topical, his jokes centered around the Singapore Caning, kids and their fascination with Barney, Barbie, when a little boy finds his weenie, and when a little daughter comments on the ugliness of that weenie. I loved his comments on how all stupid people should be forced to wear a sign that says "I'm Stupid." One joke went sort of like this: A man was driving in Texas when he got a flat tire. When the tow truck came, the tow truck driver commented, "Got a flat, huh." Thinking he'd be funny, the man responded, "No, it was the strangest thing, the other three just all swelled up," to which the tow truck driver answered, "Sometimes the heat will do that." Alright, I guess you had to be there, but this guy was pretty hilarious. And so, the comedian with no name gets Two Thumbs Up from me. I liked him, even if I did miss his name.

Well, that wraps it up for the Unknown Reviewers this week. The other dude will be back next week, and coming in the Bog is another band. Be there, or be square, but for god's sake, don't just sit there in your dorm room. Party Smart, and as always, Rellim Reeb, Rellim Reeb!!


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