Joining the Occupy Movement, Not Joining the Illinois House, Joining Theater Goers, and Not Joining Fencebuilders.

By: The Dude on the Right

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As Halloween is here, with the help of an Occupy protester and Stu Gotz, I try to decide if I’m going to join the cause after this episode of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast. Maybe I should, especially since, as Stu says, I’ve joined the Pussification of America Army during my judging of a Halloween costume contest. To redeem myself I should have, at least, impersonated a member of the Illinois House of Representatives, but alas, I stuck to a bit of honesty when asked if I were Tom Cross. Stu, meanwhile, thinks he has found out how many workers it takes to put up a fence.

Neither of us saw the #1 movie at the box office, “Puss in Boots,” but Stu made it to the theater with Mama Gotz and thought “50/50” was a decent flick. Me, however, I preferred the safety and security of the Dude-Pad, really liking “Captain America.” We both are still fans of “The Big Bang Theory” and “Beavis and Butthead,” Stu is a new fan of “Grimm,” Stu is excited because the McRib is back (for a limited time), and we both recommend backing up important pictures and hope Apple’s iCloud will also do the job for us because sometimes we can’t remember crap.

Joining things, not joining things, and more!

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

New TV & Old TV, Sucky Bears & Sucky Shoes, Getting Wet & Getting A New iPhone.

By: The Dude on the Right

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The fall television season has begun, and for this “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, Stu Gotz and I break down the return of “Two and a Half Men,” “The Big Bang Theory,” “Saturday Night Live,” and my lack of seeing the current “Survivor.” Then there are the new shows, and I explain to Stu that “Pan Am” is a good show, especially because it portrays how a stewardess should be, Stu is worried that some shows like “Up All Night” and “Person of Interest” might easily lose steam if they are even able to build an audience at all, and we discuss “The X Factor” and a naked man.

The Chicago Bears lost even with a trick play that reminded me of my football days, lots of people have seen “The Smurfs” movie and we don’t know why, I can’t decide whether I should see a funny movie about cancer (“50/50”) or a movie about baseball (“Moneyball”), I went shoe shopping and was denied by both Nordstrom and Zappos, Stu Gotz got wet and it didn’t even have to do with his wishing his Lil’ Gotz a happy birthday today, and I recommend you start getting in line now to buy a new iPhone on October 14th.

It was a busy weekend, let alone week!

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Stu Needs a Keg Fridge, Good and Bad Movies, Bears in the Super Bowl, and Did Blossom Ever Get Naked?

By: The Dude on the Right

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As Stu Gotz and I eagerly await what Apple has up their sleeve with their cryptic announcement of “Tomorrow is just another day. That you’ll never forget.”, to be, well, announced tomorrow at 10AM EST, (I’m guessing it’s The Beatles catalog, just in time for the Holidays, or streaming TV, or cloud based iTunes, or free iPhones to the people who send the most e-mails to Bill Gates telling him to buy an iPhone, but that’s just my guesses), we get back to pondering more important things, like our respective weekends which means it’s time for another podcast episode of Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!

Me, I saw the movie “Unstoppable” and actually liked it, and I tell Stu why. Stu, he saw “Megamind” and actually didn’t like it, and Stu tells me why. We reminisce about a keg fridge and the scariness of getting some CO2, Stu tries to calm my hopes that the Chicago Bears will be going to the Super Bowl, and did you know that “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows” opens this weekend?

Stu is liking the Blossom girl (Mayim Bialik) on “The Big Bang Theory” and wonders if she ever got naked, I had some alone time from my BFF, Stu knows a lot about tee-pees, and wouldn’t you know it, “Burn Notice” and “Psych” are back, much to the delight of Stu.

Thanks for listening! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!