Rain Gutter Guards at a SCUBA Show, Mattresses, Little Things, and Loving Survivor.

By: The Dude on the Right

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I watched an episode of “Chuck!” Yup, I’m catching up on my TV viewing, and during this episode of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, I let Stu Gotz know what I think about the girl with the black hair. I also let Stu know that “Survivor: Redemption Island” is great, and that I’m seeing how they will be working to finish up “Smallville,” at least for me.

Stu, meanwhile, spent the weekend SCUBAing, or at least talking about SCUBA, at a local convention. He found it odd some of the items being peddled at the show, but I put things in perspective for him. He did get out to see some of “Gnomeo and Juliet,” had a great meal at The Capital Grille in Rosemont thanks to it being Chicago Restaurant week (it ends Feb 27th) in, well, Chicago(land), and saw a movie on DVD called “Trailer Park Boys: The Movie” and is curious what I might thing of it.

We’re celebrating President’s Day, a little thing makes my wife happy, Stu sings the “Hail to the Chief” version from the movie “Dave,” and it would be nice if the rain rain would go away away.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this podcast! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

A Scrubbed Shuttle, Wax On, Funny Movies, Stupid People and Doggie Diet Pills

By: The Dude on the Right

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Stu Gotz is back! Hooray! Yup, Stu is back from Florida for our "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, and he tells me all about his failed attempt to see a space shuttle launch. Luckily for the podcast it did lend for some good storytellin’, and speaking of storytellin’, a smell of freshly waxed floors over the weekend made me reminisce of college days where I was relegated to cleaning the fraternity house kitchen while the floor crew got sloshed. Ah, college days!

But as weekends do go, I let Stu know that "Due Date" is a pretty funny movie and he should go and see it, Stu told me that "Date Night" is a pretty funny movie and I should add it to my Netflix queue, Stu is sucked into "Supernatural" on TV while I"m sucked back into "Smallville," and Stu has a story of stupid people in Spain.

And speaking of stupid people, Milo had a quick trip to a vet on Sunday where I found that yes, people are lazy and stupid, especially when I saw a pharmaceutical ad for doggie diet pills. How lazy is that?

Thanks for listening! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!