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A Concert Review

October 12, 2005

The Metro

Chicago, IL

A Review & Photos by
The Dude on the Right
I got to Wrigleyville pretty early the evening of the KMFDM show, and it really occurred to me that I haven’t been to the Metro in years and years. But getting there early worked to my advantage as I found a kick-ass parking spot, which as anyone who has ever tried to find parking in that area if you don’t live there, it pretty much sucks. With some time to kill, I walked around the neighborhood and a lot has changed. They are rebuilding the bleachers at Wrigley Field, which kind of blows, there are a lot of newly rehabbed or new housing built at way too outrageous prices, but at least the McDonald’s still has a tasty burger, and although I was bummed about missing the White Sox game, I was pretty sure I could catch the end at any of the local bars after the show.

So, getting closer to showtime, I make my way in the Metro, catch the ending of the opening acts, and quickly remember that the lighting pretty much sucks at the Metro, so the photo portion of the evening should prove interesting. I make my way to the photo pit, wonder if I’d get kicked in the head by a body-surfer, and await a band who I really liked ten years ago, but as we stopped covering music here, I kind of let them fall by the wayside. The great thing for me, I was able to copy the set-list (it was nicely taped on the stage), so I was ready with the knowledge that I wouldn’t know most of any of the songs, yet still be able to get them correct in my review, and I eagerly anticipated the evening.

Opening with "Hau Rock, "Son of a Gun," and "Free Your Hate," sure enough, I was on a trip to not knowing anything they were playing, but I didn’t care, because I quickly remembered how much I really enjoyed KMFDM’s version of industrial rock, with the driving guitars, drums, and computer magic that brought me into them back in 1995.

With Sascha Konietzko the only member left from the last time I saw them, I sort of wondered how the band might have transformed or grown in the last ten years. I suppose they haven’t transformed that much, they still have that anarchist industrial sound, but, and no disrespect to the guitar dudes, Steve White and Jules Hodgson, nor the drum dude, Andy Selway, the addition of Lucia Cifarelli was genius. She prowled around the stage, straddled between the stands holding the electronics, and as the dudes in the crowd cheered when she tossed off her jacket, I couldn’t help but notice that she could probably kick the collective asses of most of the dudes in the audience, or at least that’s the persona she exudes. Oh yea, she sounded good too.

As the show continued with the likes of "Terror" (a song I actually was familiar with), "Mini Mini Mini," and "Inane," which included some fabulous guitar soloing, there is something that I think sets KMFDM apart a bit from other industrial bands I’ve heard, namely you can, for the most part, understand their lyrics as they are going along, something that was way-lacking for the opening bands of the evening, and especially helpful when you don’t know any of the songs.

The crowd was an interesting mix, as KMFDM still attracts the rebels in the teen and young adult crowd, and they pretty much dominated, but along the fringes of the crowd seemed to be those that were KMFDM fans ten years ago, now in their late 20’s and early 30’s, trying to look the part of the teen rebel, but coming across more as the person who had to go back to their job as a postal carrier the next day, still dreaming of those days when they wanted to fight the system rather than be a part of it.

"A Drug Against War," another song I had never heard before, fucking rocked, and as the band left the stage, it was time for a nice "KMFDM" chant leading into the first encore. The crowd was totally into "WWIII," and I could understand why, because it’s one of those classic sounding KMFDM songs, but "Megalomaniac" seemed kind of lackluster as the band finished the encore. Another chant, and it was time for one more song, "D.I.Y.", which again I had never heard before, but the song kicked ass and made me realize that I might have to do some investing in some KMFDM material I have lapsed on.

The show kicked butt, even if I didn’t know most of the songs, but it did remind me that I can appreciate a great industrial band, that KMFDM can mix it up enough that it doesn’t sound the same song after song, and deep down, I think Lucia really has a soft side.

In the end the new version of KMFDM rocks as hard as the old version, and still gives an outlet for kids to be rebels. It’s TWO BIG THUMBS UP for KMFDM.

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!


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