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Take the Lead
Movie Stats & Links

Starring: Antonio Banderas, Alfre Woodard
MPAA Rated: PG-13
Released By: New Line Cinema
Web Site:
Directed By: Liz Friedlander
Produced By: Christopher Godsick, Michelle Grace, Diane Nabatoff

Take the Lead
A Movie Preview

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MPAA Rated - PG-13

It's 1:48 Long
Release Date: 04/07/06

A Preview by
The Dude on the Right
This movie is inspired by a true story, and probably only being made because the TV show “Dancing with the Stars” has made ballroom dancing popular again, but I guess we’ll see if the kids are into “Dancing with the Stars” as much as old fogies like me are.

As the movie goes, Antonio Bandera, and isn’t his name just so much fun to say, well, he is Pierre, a great ballroom dancer. He’s stuck teaching in a New York City inner-city school. Go figure, the students are more into hip-hop than a waltz, but he makes them see that dancing can really be sexy and cool, and that they can be better than they thing they are.

So, yea, remember the movie “Bring It On,” yea, that’s right, the cheerleader movie, where they have to make cheerleading cooler than cheerleading by incorporating different styles of dance, well, this time we’re mixing ballroom dancing with hip-hop.

Ah, the kids will learn a lot about living, Pierre will learn a lot about kids, and we will all be inspired to dance, or be inspired to do something.

The movie does look entertaining, but Hollywood still has the habit of making movies like this standard fare. I’ll try to catch a matinee, but this one isn’t high on my “must see” list.

That’s it for this preview! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!



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