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Sex and the City
Movie Stats & Links

Starring: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon, Chris North, Jennifer Hudson
MPAA Rated: R
Released By: New Line Cinema
Web Site:
Kiddie Movie: Only if you want your daughter to be a fashion-obsesses sex fiend.
Date Movie: In this history of dudette flicks, this is "the" dudette flick.
Gratuitous Sex: A lot of it, and nudity too!
Gratuitous Violence: Just some beating up with some flowers.
Action: Nah.
Laughs: I would have liked more, but it had it's share.
Memorable Scene: Sadly, Charlotte in the shower in Mexico brought back similar memories.
Memorable Quote: There were many, but my favorite was "I curse the day you were born!"
Directed By: Michael Patrick King
Produced By: Eric M. Cyphers, Michael Patrick King, John P. Melfi, Sarah Jessica Parker, Darren Star

Sex and the City
A Movie Review

MPAA Rated - R

It's 2:28 Long

A Review by
The Dude on the Right
Sometimes I am easily amused, and sometimes I easily amuse others. Amusing the four dudettes sitting next to me during "Sex and the City," as well as the dudette I was seeing the movie with, was like shooting fish in a barrel as, when the lights went down a simple, higher-pitched "I’m so excited!" from myself, and an "I’m so happy Carrie…!" (I won’t give it away here) at the end, showed my security in my dude-self in seeing the movie, much to the amusement of the ladies around me. Had I simply given a couple of heart-felt "Ohhhh’s" when girly-things happened, I’m pretty sure all five girls would have been putty in my hands, or thought I was gay. Such is the fine line you draw as a dude going to see "Sex and the City" in a movie theater, even if you can admit you did like the TV show.

But this review isn’t about my ability to woo the ladies, nor even the fact that I don’t think there has been a movie in history able to secure its place in terms of a "girl’s night (or even afternoon) out" movie, complete with some of the ladies dressing to the hilt - nope, this review is about the return of four women - Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), Samantha (Kim Catrall), Charlotte (Kristin), and Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), friendship, relationships, and love, and not necessarily in that order.

The movie picks up about four years after the TV series ended, with Samantha now living on the west coast, her now being totally anti-Samantha, in a monogamous relationship with her TV star boyfriend (although she still ogles the other dudes a lot); Charlotte is still happily married to Harry, with their adopted daughter from China; Miranda is still married to Steve, with their own little rug-rat; but like the TV series, as much as the stories of the other ladies were generally sub-plots, this movie is all about Carrie and her up-and-down-and-up-and-down-and-up-and-down relationship with Mr. Big. (Chris Noth).

As the movie goes along we learn why Samantha has stayed with her hunky boyfriend for so long, that Miranda and Steve have some bigger issues to deal with than their sloppy son, and that Charlotte seems to have the world’s most perfect marriage, but with Mr. Big asking Carrie to marry him, the world’s of all four ladies are turned upside down as we sit in our seats, after watching the trailers of the movie for the last eight years (at least so it seemed), waiting to see if the wedding will actually happen, if maybe Mr. Big is in some horrendous accident thus stopping his getting to the wedding on time, as well as how one of Carrie’s best friends is a cold-hearted bitch (okay, not really), and someone really needs to get the reigns on their child. Oh, happy days!

Judging from the reactions in the crowd some of the dudettes didn’t see the end of the movie coming, although maybe it’s just my movie experience in the ways of romantic comedies that led me to see it from a mile away, and also judging from some of the reactions, many of the dudettes didn’t actually pay attention to the movie trailer they have been seeing for the last twenty years because they seemed shocked with Charlotte announcing that she was pregnant, however, there is nothing like a little "Montezuma's Revenge" to get a great laugh.

Having been a casual fan of the TV series I was already keyed in with the story, and heck, it wasn’t anything different from the TV version, only longer, so even though I didn’t seem to like it quite as much as the ladies in the theater I saw it with, I’ve still got to give the movie 4 stars out of 5 for giving the ladies exactly what they want, and hey, it’s got some quality nudity for the dudes. And dudes, if you do have to go with your dudette, and the shear thought of it gives you hives, I will mention that you will still be confused with women’s fascination with fashion, expensive shoes, and ugly hats, but rest assured, there is a role model for you, namely Samantha’s neighbor, although you might want try to get your lady to look away from the screen when Samantha sees him in the shower.

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!


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