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School of Rock
Movie Stats & Links

Starring: Jack Black, Joan Cusack, Mike White, Sarah Silverman, Joey Gaydos Jr., Maryam Hassan
MPAA Rated: PG-13
Released By: Paramount Pictures
Web Site:
Kiddie Movie: Bring them along.
Date Movie: Bring her along.
Gratuitous Sex: Nah.
Gratuitous Violence: Nah.
Action: Nah.
Laughs: Lots.
Memorable Scene: Nothing stands out particularly, I just liked the whole movie.
Memorable Quote: Nothing really.
Directed By: Richard Linklater
Produced By: Scott Rudin

School of Rock
A Movie Review

MPAA Rated - PG-13

It's 1:28 Long

A Review by
The Dude on the Right
There are a couple of things that will make "School of Rock" more enjoyable for you. One is if you have ever dreamed of being a rock star. Another is if you were ever interested in music. Don’t let me say that without those you won’t enjoy the movie because it is a fun story, but you’ll probably be able to relate to all of the characters involved in the movie, especially that of Dewey Finn, played brilliantly by Jack Black, if you have the previous influences.

"School of Rock" gives us Dewey, freshly kicked out of the band he started. Living with his buddy Ned, he’s basically a sponge, not paying rent and living in a corner of the apartment. The problem for Dewey is that Ned has a new girlfriend, Patty (Sarah Silverman), and she’s demanding that Ned kick out Dewey, or that Dewey at least comes up with some cash for rent. When Ned gets a call to be a substitute teacher at a hoity-toity school, well, sadly, Ned isn’t there to answer the phone. In his place is Dewey who decides that he can pretend he is Ned so he can have a job. Enter Dewey playing a grade school teacher for a bunch of well-to-do kids. He has no plans to teach, but oddly enough he gets an inspiration when he hears the kids in music class. Finally he sees his dream of being in the battle of the bands a possibility by turning his pupils into a rock band.

Now Dewey works on building the students into a rock band, but he also realizes that to be a rock band, the kids need to learn about the history of rock, so along with practice, promotion, and management, Dewey sends the kids home with CD’s of Led Zeppelin, Yes, and Jim Hendrix. Sure, there’s a lot of things unbelievable here, like how can Dewey get away with this for so long, but really this is a story about kids being kids, some of the problems they have, especially with their hard-driving parents, and about a dude with a dream.

My enjoyment of this movie was that Jack Black is great as Dewey, showing that even those who come off as losers sometimes just need a little inspiration to show they aren't such slouches after all. I also loved that this movie let the kids be themselves. They can be demanding, they all have problems, but mostly when you give them a goal they can believe in, there’s pretty much nothing that can stop them.

You won’t be surprised at the ending for "School of Rock", it’s pretty cookie-cutter, but it’s the ending you will probably want and expect. Just sit back and enjoy a movie you can bring the kids to (Why it’s PG-13 I don’t understand? It says there’s some rude humor and drug references, but it’s no worse than some of the toilet humor I’ve witnessed in other PG films. Anyway, I digress…) and maybe let them see the power of rock and roll, or at least the power of a dream. It’s 4 stars out of 5 for "School of Rock."

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!


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