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Righteous Kill
Movie Stats & Links

Starring: Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Carla Gugino, John Leguizamo, Donnie Wahlberg, 50 Cent, Brian Dennehy
MPAA Rated: Not yet (I hope it's "R")
Released By: Millenium Films/Nu Image
Web Site:
Directed By: Jon Avnet
Produced By: A whole bunch of people right now.

Righteous Kill
A Movie Preview

Preview Only

MPAA Rated - ?

It's ? Long
Release Date: 09/12/08

A Preview by
The Dude on the Right
I'm sure someone will correct me, because I can't remember, but I believe this is the first movie since "Heat" that Robert De Niro and Al Pacino are starring together in. And even though that is enough to get my butt in the seat, if Carla Gugino gets naked, this movie already has 2 1/2 stars out of 5 even if it is the biggest piece of crap. From the trailer, though, this looks like a great film, with great actors, as New York City cops working a case that might relate back to a case that might have been solved by them years ago.

Like I said, De Niro and Pacino together again - I'm there.

That's it for this preview! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!


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