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Starring: Jon Favreau, Vince Vaughn, Sean 'Puffy' Combs, Peter Falk, Vincent Pastore
MPAA Rated: R
Released By: Artisan Entertainment
Directed By: Jon Favreau
Produced By: Jon Favreau

A Movie Preview

Preview Only

MPAA Rated - R

It's 1:34 Long
Release Date: 07/13/01

A Preview by
The Dude on the Right
Alrighty. I must admit it took a while for me to watch "Swingers," and then one day it came on cable and I caught the end. Pissed that I missed the beginning of a movie I kinda wanted to see, well, I searched for when it would be on again so I wouldn't miss it. Finally I saw the entire movie and was not disappointed, not at all. I loved the chemistry of everyone, the humor, and felt like I could relate to most of the people in the movie on many levels. So when I saw the poster for "Made" I became a little excited because it brought back together Jon Favreau and Vince Vaughn, a combination that worked well before.

I must admit that I haven't seen the trailer yet, all I know about the story is that it Favreau and Vaughn are boxers and friends and they get involved with some mob-type guys. All I know is that if there is at least a little bit of the chemistry these guys had in "Swingers," well, "Made" has the potential to be a winner.

I will have to wait and see and hope "Made" ends up at my local gigaplex because I hate traveling into the city to one of those artsy theaters, but I will try to catch this one.

That's it for this preview! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!


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