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Life or Something Like It
Movie Stats & Links

Starring: Angelina Jolie, Edward Burns, Stockard Channing, Melissa Errico, Tony Shaloub
MPAA Rated: PG-13
Released By: 20th Century Fox
Web Site:
Directed By: Stephen Herek
Produced By: Kenneth Atchity, John Davis, Toby Jaffe

Life or Something Like It
A Movie Preview

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MPAA Rated - PG-13

It's 1:43 Long
Release Date: 04/26/02

A Preview by
The Dude on the Right
Sometimes I think Angelina Jolie looks hot, sometimes she looks a little freaky, but this time she just looks cute. In this one she plays a news reporter. She’s hoping for a promotion to, I think, the anchor position, but also is struggling with her relationship. One day, on the street, she is interviewing a homeless psychic. Yea, right, like this dude (Tony Shaloub), could ever predict anything, but he predicts a sports team’s win, a hail storm, a promotion Angelina won’t get, and when Angelina is going to die. If you talked to a guy, who was, so far, two out of four, (maybe three out of four because, as he explains to the cameraman something like “When she dies on Thursday she won’t get the promotion.”), well, Angelina is pretty much convinced Shaloub is right, and now lives her life like there is no Friday. What would you do if you knew your life was going to end in a week? That’s her question, and she is now living life to her fullest.

This looks like a cute movie, trying to answer that one question of how you would act if you really knew when you were you going to die, I just hope she bites the big one on the Thursday that is prophesized. Why? Because letting her live ruins the premises, at least in my eye. If you want to teach me a lesson about living each day to the fullest, let her die; Otherwise, if this dead-on psychic is only ¾ right, well, I’ll still keep thinking I’ve got years left and this is just another day. You might too. I hope this movie ends in the right way.

That’s it for this preview! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!


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