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Flushed Away
Movie Stats & Links

Starring: The Voices of: Kate Winslet, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis, Jean Reno
MPAA Rated: PG
Released By: Dreamworks Animation
Web Site:
Kiddie Movie: Not too much fun for adults, but I'd wait for the DVD.
Date Movie: Only if she's the mother of the child you are bringing to the movie.
Gratuitous Sex: Rita's kinda hot, in a cartoon kind of way, but no, no sex.
Gratuitous Violence: Cartoon.
Action: Some chasing.
Laughs: The slugs singing.
Memorable Scene: Nah.
Memorable Quote: Nah.
Directed By: Sam Fell and David Bowers
Produced By: Peter Lord, David Sproxton and Cecil Kramer

Flushed Away
A Movie Review

MPAA Rated - PG

It's 1:25 Long

A Review by
The Dude on the Right
I never thought I would ever say this, but thank God for slugs. With that, let’s get to the movie "Flushed Away."

Roddy is a mouse. He lives in some plush digs in an upper-crust area of London. When the family goes on vacation, he has the house to himself and makes the best of his time. But then comes Sid. Sid is a sewer rat and can’t believe the luck he has found by invading the house Roddy lives in. Roddy is disgusted, and thinking he can trick Sid into jumping into the toilet, well, Sid proves a bit more sly and Roddy is on a journey into the London sewers.

Roddy eventually finds an entire village of rodents, slugs, and amphibians living together in the sewers, except he also stumbles upon a dastardly plot by The Toad, who hates the rodents and wants them dead. Roddy stumbles into this plot after he hooks up with Rita, who, with her dad’s boat, might be able to get Roddy back home.

You know what, this is already getting too complicated for a kid’s movie. First the movie is about a ruby that isn’t a ruby, then it’s about getting Roddy home, then it’s about a power cable Rita uses as a belt, and then it’s about this grandiose plot by The Toad to kill the rodents during a soccer match. I, let alone kids, have a hard enough time following one plot, let alone a story that goes all over the place, and from the little one sitting behind me who kept kicking my seat, I’m guessing he wasn’t to thrilled with the movie either.

But as I stated at the start of this review, thank God for slugs, because as the movie trudged through its hour and twenty-five minutes, the only high-point for me were the singing slugs. Pretty much they were used as comedic singers, entering the scene during turning points, and singing an appropriate song (a.k.a. "Don’t Worry, Be Happpy," "Sailing," etc).

As far as the animation goes, it was decent enough, but good animation doesn’t carry a movie, and neither did the nice voicing of the characters by the likes of Hugh Jackman as Roddy, Kate Winslet as Rita, and Ian McKellen as The Toad.

For me I think the movie lost its feel by just trying to get too complicated, rather than it just being about Roddy’s journey back home, and realizing that life isn’t so bad in the sewers. That and the fact it wasn’t very entertaining.

I suppose if you’ve got to take your kids to the movies, it’s not horrible, but for me "Flushed Away" fell flat. With that I’m giving it 2 stars out of 5.

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!


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