Football is Back With Full Force.


The Dude on the Right

I just couldn’t bring myself to actually go out and see a movie this weekend, I
mean my choices were and Exorcist-type movie which is actually more about the
priest, and "Mr. Man," which, well, just didn’t look that good. So this morning
after reading my newspaper I actually hunkered down with a DVD I picked up, the
movie "Crash," and
it was a great drama that really didn’t hold back showing a lot of people are
either blatantly racist or have it in them without realizing it. But that’s not
the important thing today, and I know, we are remembering 9/11 four years ago,
but fall is officially here as NFL Sunday kicked into high gear.

Right now my Bears
are struggling on offense, and I see my
Browns aren’t
fairing too well as of yet. Hopefully that will change by the end of the
afternoon, but as football season has officially begun, I also am filled with
impending dilemmas, namely the fall television season is ready to begin, which I
mentioned in my last Blog. And here’s where the problem lies. As I keep trying
to expand the web site, get back to concert reviewing and covering more things,
I also have this grand notion of starting a podcast, but where will my TV
viewing come in. Sure, the TIVO and VCR will be used diligently, but when will I
watch things. My original plan a few years ago was to record things during the
week and then watch everything over the weekend. That was fine for then, but if
I’m doing the podcast thing, especially on a mostly daily basis, it won’t do
much good to give you any kind of TV recap when it’s a week late. I guess I’ll
just have to figure things out, with I guess the first thing actually being
getting my podcast up and running.

Hope you had a good weekend and have a great week. See ya next time.

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!