Golden State

Artist: Bush
Listenability Scale: 20%
Released by: Atlantic Records
A Review by:
The Dude on the Right

I was disappointed with this CD, especially since I was a fan of “Sixteen Stone.” My main issue with this CD – other than the two slow songs, pretty much everything sounds the same, with that same driving guitar and beat we already know. I’ll probably copy a few songs over to my computer jukebox, but really, for the most part, I’m happy enough when the “Sixteen Stone” songs come up. Bush fans might like this one, especially the harder-core ones, but for me, Bush just doesn’t do anything on this CD that stands out and makes me want to sing along.

For Bush-heads the rating might be higher, but for me it’s a 20% on the Entertainment Ave! listenability scale. Too much all sounding the same.

That’s it for this quick review! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!