What’s New? A DVD Review of “Enchanted.”

So it’s been a little while since “Enchanted” hit the movie theaters, but he put the DVD in his Netflix queue and decided to review it. As a whole he really liked the movie, thought Amy Adams was perfect in the role of Giselle, and thinks it might also melt the hearts of dudes who only like movies where things blow up. Even if you don’t have kids you will probably still like it, and although most of the extras on the DVD he found boring, the “making of” stuff fascinated The Dude.

What’s New? A DVD Review of “Steep.”

The Dude on the Right doesn’t ski, but after watching the DVD documentary called “Steep,” he does have an appreciation for the extreme skiers spotlighted during the movie. He also liked the scenery shot during the film, he also was fascinated by the use of cable cams to do some of the filming, and even though the documentary fascinated him, there is still no way he is slapping on thin strips of wood to the bottom of his feet.