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June 30, 2008

What's New? A CD Review of "Hole In The Sun" from Night Ranger.

The Dude on the Right is happily surprised that The WGN knows who Night Ranger is, but The WGN didn't know that Night Ranger also has a new CD coming out, "Hole In The Sun," which The Dude recommends. If you ever were a fan of the band, and their songs, like "Don't Tell Me You Love Me" or "Sister Christian," it might not be a bad idea for you to spend a few bucks and get their new CD, because, well, Night Ranger isn't trying to re-invent themselves, they just rock. They might help you rock, too.

Posted by Rightdude at 9:10 PM | Comments (0)

June 29, 2008

What's New? A Movie Review of "Wall-E."

The Dude on the Right is probably one of the few reviewers in the world that didn't like "Wall-E" that much, and for his review, well, he can't even justify it. He blames the lack of dialogue; He blames his own PMS; He even blames a dude sitting a couple seats away from him. What he doesn't blame, though, might be his own lack of just being able to envelop himself in a movie where, a lot of the time, only the eyes of the characters tell the feelings. The Dude might just need new contact lenses.

Posted by Rightdude at 7:00 PM | Comments (0)

June 27, 2008

What's New? Movie Reviews of "Get Smart" and "Wanted."

The Dude on the Right was a little lax in getting his review of "Get Smart" posted, but it is now here for your reading pleasure, and The Dude recommends that if you don't want to be in a movie theater filled with little kids, and hate gratuitous violence, maybe "Get Smart" might be a good matinee for you and your lady to see over the weekend.  The Dude also saw "Wanted," and that review is also posted, and if you want to be in a movie theater with no little kids and seeing a movie with tons of gratuitous violence, Angelina Jolie's butt, and physics be damned, enjoy the ludicrousness that is "Wanted."

Posted by Rightdude at 7:05 PM | Comments (0)

June 26, 2008

What's New? A Podcast of: A Special Guest Podcaster, The WGN, Joins for TV, Comedian, Gun, and Socially Inept Talk!

The Dude on the Right was joined by The WGN for this Thursday podcast, and they talk about a lot of things. The Dude introduces The WGN to "America's Got Talent," the both talk about George Carlin, and The Dude learns that The WGN is making contacts for his future. They both talk about guns (how topical, what, with the Supreme Court decision today), family gatherings, and if The Dude's family is socially inept. The Dude is also happy to hear The WGN knows who Night Ranger is, hopes the two of them might be able to see Radiohead at Lollapalooza, and fears he might get sucked in to "Dolphin Olympics 2." Maybe The WGN is a worse influence on The Dude as apposed to The Dude being a worse influence on The WGN?

Posted by Rightdude at 7:24 PM | Comments (0)

June 24, 2008

What's New? A Concert Review of The Swell Season.

It took The Dude on the Right about a week to get his concert review of "The Swell Season," you know the duo from the movie "Once," those duo being Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, posted, and as much as he would like to blame computer issues, he probably just needs to get back into the swing of things about writing concert reviews. He loved the movie "Once," and even though, at times, Glen didn't actually relate a story in a way anyone could understand, The Dude, well, he loved the concert.

Posted by Rightdude at 6:46 PM | Comments (0)

June 23, 2008

What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Computer Issues, Movie Talk, The Rest of the Family, and Remembering George Carlin

The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz both had computer issues for this podcast, which they, sadly, reiterate in way too much detail, before they get to the fun stuff like Mama Gotz being pissed at The Dude for recommending "No Country For Old Men" to Stu, Stu wondering if there is any way he can now get free stuff from Apple since his shipment is late, The Dude meeting the rest of the family of his BFF, and both of them remembering George Carlin, with his "Seven Dirty Words" historical rant and "The Buddy Christ." In the end, George Carlin, R.I.P., or the hell with that, The Dude just hopes Mr. Carlin can make everyone laugh in the afterlife because it is what he does, did, and should be doing for ever, more.

Posted by Rightdude at 7:50 PM | Comments (0)

June 20, 2008

I'm Boycotting "The Love Guru," but Who is Rajan Zed, and Why am I Getting So Many E-Mails, Maybe From Him?

By: The Dude on the Right
As I have fallen behind on a couple of things, well, the last thing I wanted to do was to waste a couple of hours at a movie that degrades a religion.  Yup, for the last bunch of months I've been getting e-mails from, well, I'm not really sure who, although there is an e-mail address yet I'm not really sure if it is valid or a spoof, mostly because I'm too lazy to actually reply to the e-mail and figure out exactly who is e-mailing me.  In any case, though, they have been promoting that Rajan Zed (maybe not so surprisingly the e-mail prefix is "rajanz"), who is a prominent Hindu leader (at least so says the e-mail), states that I should boycott the latest Mike Myers' film, "The Love Guru," because, at least with today's e-mail (it's the only one I didn't delete), "it lampoons Hinduism and Hindu concepts and uses Hindu terms frivolously."  With that line, especially since this e-mail was sent after Rajan supposedly saw the film, I knew it was my civic duty to skip the film and save two hours of my life.

The e-mail continues in its lambasting the movie, saying "the antics of Guru Pitka (Mike Myers' character in the movie) are a mockery of the esteemed institution of guru," also stating "This is pure and blatant ridiculing and Paramount and its parent Viacom should immediately issue a general public apology for denigration of Hinduism and Hindu concepts, utter disregard of the protesters, backtracking on promise to pre-screen the movie for Rajan Zed and other Hindu leaders, making no efforts to have an open civilized dialogue with protesters to arrive at an mutually acceptable solution, Zed said."

As the e-mail begins to wrap up, we get:  "Rajan Zed further said that comedy should make everybody smile and should not come at the expense of ridiculing others faith and spreading misinformation.  Hinduism is the oldest and third largest religion of the world with about one billion followers and a rich philosophical thought and it should not be taken lightly. No faith, larger or smaller, should be ridiculed at."

Hear, hear, Rajan, I'm down with you brother!  Oh, wait, don't most comedies ridicule others, if not their faith, and spread misinformation?  Never mind, hear, hear Rajan!

But do you want to know the most bizarre part of the e-mail, calling for my boycotting of "The Love Guru?"  Well, I'll tell you.  It's the last paragraph that states, not something like "This is why we are calling for a boycott of "The Love Guru," or "until Paramount and Viacom recognize the dignity of Hinduism...," we get this:  "'The Love Guru' (88 minutes), a comedy starring Mike Myers (of Austin Powers fame), opened today nationwide and will be released in different parts of the world in the near future.  Viacom's family of brands includes MTV, Paramount, DreamWorks, etc.  Paramount Pictures Corporation is a global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment."  What the hell kind of ending to an e-mail calling for a boycott is that?  No "So maybe you might want to boycott those entities as well," nor "You should also be boycotting "Kung Fu Panda," instead just a vague "legal" disclaimer about the movie, complete with the movies running time.

Suddenly, all this e-mail seems to scream is "I'm Rajan Zed.  How can I get loads of publicity?  I know, Spam!", or a viral campaign on the part of someone to make people go and watch "The Love Guru" to see if it actually "lampoons" Hinduism, because some news outlet are bound to reference the e-mail, or if this e-mail was really from Mr. Zed, maybe his press release should have been written in first person, starting out simply as "I am Rajan Zed, a Hindu leader, and after seeing 'The Love Guru' I urge you to boycott the movie, and here's why..."

Now that I think about it, I'm not boycotting "The Love Guru" because of this series of e-mails I received saying the movie makes fun of Hinduism, because, you know what, I'm all for making a mockery of all kinds of governments, ethnicities, freaks, geeks, jocks, horror movies, religion, and any other stuff that is open to be made fun of, especially if it's done in a funny way.  I'm boycotting "The Love Guru" because, from the trailers, it looks like a load of crap, and from the early reviews most of them say it is a load of crap, and you know what, I've got more important things to do right now than invest in a potential load of crap.  This movie will wait for Netflix, or cable, or a number of stints on the shitter, watching it in phases on my iPhone, unless, of course, Richard Roeper tells me to see it when I watch him over the weekend.

That's it for this one!  I'm The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Posted by Rightdude at 6:52 PM | Comments (0)

June 19, 2008

What's New? A Podcast of: A "The Swell Season" Preview, Meeting Family, The Bachelorette, and Missing "Nessun Dorma" on "America's Got Talent."

The Dude on the Right could really use a nap before this podcast about, mainly, going to see "The Swell Season," especially since getting back home was past his normal bedtime, but that's not important because this podcast isn't a full review of the show, just a quick blip at his still liking the folks from the movie "Once." The Dude also talks about some BFF family stuff, he's still watching "The Bachelorette," and is bummed he missed the premier of "America's Got Talent" where some dude did a great version of "Nessun Dorma" from Puccini's Turandot, complete with Jerry Springer interrupting it, because, well, it's on TV.

Posted by Rightdude at 7:52 PM | Comments (0)

June 16, 2008

What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Meeting the Parents, Minor League Baseball, Movie Talk, and a Dirty Health Scare.

Suddenly both Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right have a lot to talk about for their "Weekend Wrap-Up" podcast, complete with an exciting topic like doing some painting in the garage for The Gotz family.  The Dude gives Stu his movie recommendations, and there is also talk of a skin blotch scare.  Stu blew out another hard drive on a computer, Stu also re-remembered how much fun a minor league baseball game could be, and The Dude tells Stu the tales of his meeting some of the family of his BFF, and how a Father's Day gathering for his BFF family is way-different than any family gathering at The Dude's family household, both being good in their own kind of way.

Posted by Rightdude at 6:17 PM | Comments (0)

June 15, 2008

What's New? A Movie Review of "The Incredible Hulk."

The Dude on the Right apologizes for the slight delay in getting this review of "The Incredible Hulk" posted, but, and not saying that the website isn't that important, a family get-together was at least more important than getting his review of "The Incredible Hulk" posted at an earlier time. Family get-together's aside, The Dude did like that this version of Hulk played a little more true to the story he remembers, that of the TV series, and that Hulk was only able to leap a few buildings, and not miles, at a single bound.

Posted by Rightdude at 9:09 PM | Comments (0)

June 13, 2008

What's New? A Movie Review of "The Happening."

The Dude on the Right decided to try to skip out on some Friday afternoon duties to see "The Happening, " and he reviews the movie, and he likes it. He likes it because he didn't try to re-envision "The Sixth Sense," especially since this is an M. Night Shyamalan flick, but instead engrossed himself into enjoying a campy, kind of "zombie" movie, without a twist that most people want Mr. M. Night to amaze them with. People, get over it, M. Night amazed you with the twist for "The Sixth Sense," get over it, now he's just trying to entertain you.

Posted by Rightdude at 7:41 PM | Comments (0)

June 12, 2008

What's New? A Podcast of: I'm Done with Digital, Dr. Drew v. Tom Cruise, Golfing Where Tiger Wood's Golfed, No New iPhone for The Dude, and Movies Galore!

For this podcast The Dude on the Right is upset because he might have deleted his only proof that he played golf, or at least hit a little, white ball, or at least was at a course that Tiger Woods plays at, because he can't find his picture of the 3rd hole at Torrey Pines anywhere on any of his hard drives. He knows that if he had that picture on film, well, he could put his hands on it instantly. His hating technology is now filtering from digital cameras to the latest 3G iPhone, because, go figure, the new phone won't have enough memory to hold his 6400+ songs, and he wonders who would win the boxing match of Dr. Drew Pinsky v Tom Cruise (or, most likely, one of Tom's lawyers). And in other boxing news, June 20th brings the match of Steve Carell v Mike Myers, with their movies, "Get Smart" and "The Love Guru." The Dude isn't really a fan of boxing, but he is a fan of big, green dudes, so he hopes to see "The Incredible Hulk" sometime, this weekend.

Posted by Rightdude at 6:58 PM | Comments (0)

June 10, 2008

What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! "Echoes," Movies, T-Ball, an Attic, and a Tornado!

They may do their podcast a day late, but The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz are back for a "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast since The Dude got home from his visit to the old country late on Monday, so what better day than to do it than on a Tuesday! They talk about "Kung Fu Panda," "You Don't Mess With the Zohan," kids playing T-Ball, a tornado, a hot attic, Jim Cantore from The Weather Channel, and Mama Gotz hating The Dude. Underneath it all is "Echoes" from Pink Floyd, they also talk about Lake Delton not being a lake anymore, and a dog that got transported a couple of blocks thanks to the same tornado that Jim Cantore warned Stu about.

Posted by Rightdude at 8:12 PM | Comments (0)

Back to Our Normal Programming, Almost.

By: The Dude on the Right
Normally there would be a new “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast posted, with me and Stu Gotz, but as I am now just settling back into the dude-pad, and sure, the both of us could have done a podcast across the magical land of the internet had I really wanted to, I just wanted to acknowledge that maybe you noticed a subtle lack of postings since last Wednesday, with only our review of “You Don’t Mess With the Zohan” getting reviewed. With that, I’m not blaming taking a visit to the old country to visit my Mom as an excuse, but, in a good way, to be detailed in later conversations with Stu and some blogs, I’m blaming a visit to the old country, okay, it’s just Lorain, o HI o, to visit my Mom, for those lack of postings. But you know what? - Chicken butt! The thing is that visiting Mom is always much more important than posting stuff on my web site, and the weird part is, even though I am 41 years old, I still asked Mom for permission to go and see said “Zohan” movie when I was at home. She told me to go and see the movie, but “Don’t be late for supper.”  I wasn't.

My weekend, though, was kind of weird, but leaving Illinois towards Ohio always goes through Indiana, sometimes leads to meeting up with some old friends from Lorain (but not this time), and even though I wasn’t the prepared Boy Scout that, well, I am not, when I went home, namely not bringing my camera gear, Lorain almost has some sparks of niceness getting back to it (I like the pavement of downtown Broadway), but if they end up defeating the “Oh my God, how am I going to afford the extra $15 for my license plate so that our roads are better” issue, I will then know that there really isn’t any hope for my hometown, and I will be sad (and more might be written about that later).

I did take some crappy photos of my lilac bush, tree, or whatever the thing has grown to be, but sadly, my lilac bush, tree, etc, lost most of its blooming with the oppressive heat Lorain was getting, just before my arrival.

Last night, though, I got back in the Chi-Town area, missing the numerous storms that have rumbled through over the weekend, with a slight power outage impacting me while I was gone, as far as I can tell, but a summer of discovery is ahead of me, and don't let me even get into how I'm trying to transplant a rose bush!  That is definitely a story for another day!

Normal Internet programming should be returning this week!

That's it for this one!  I'm The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Posted by Rightdude at 8:57 AM | Comments (0)

June 7, 2008

What's New? A Movie Review of "You Don't Mess With the Zohan."

The Dude on the Right, during his review of "You Don't Mess With the Zohan," realized that he loves the potential of many of the recent Adam Sandler movies, but that by the end of those movies, the potential generally falls flat as the jokes get just, too, easy. Guess what, he felt the same thing about the "Zohan" movie, but did like the George Takei cameo.

Posted by Rightdude at 8:01 PM | Comments (0)

June 3, 2008

Hannah Montana. Who Knew?

By: The Dude on the Right
I hate to sound like Andy Rooney, but did you ever get to the end of the night, tired and ready for bed, but then decide that you should send an e-mail?  And did you ever type that e-mail, attempting to be creative, sure, maybe addressing something on your mind, but missing a larger point?  And then, did you click on the "Send" button, groggily think to yourself "Did I just write that?", so you check your "Sent" folder, re-read the e-mail transporting through cyberspace, and say "Oh, that probably just comes off so wrong."?  Yup, I did that last night, and now you are probably wondering "Dude, what the hell does this have to do with Hannah Montana, and you do know that she's a fictional character played by Miley Cyrus, don't you?"  My answer is that "Yes, I do know Hannah Montana is a fictional character," but be patient, because how "she" equates to a late night e-mail will be fully explained.

So, yea, last night I sent off an e-mail that, after re-reading it, after I had already sent it, I pretty much figured there was only one way to interpret a portion of it, and really wished someone would invent, you know what, never mind the invention thing, I think I'll keep that to myself, but my options were to attempt, still being tired, sending off an e-mail saying "Please don't read my previous e-mail," that, of course, the person will, faster than the speed of light, open the other e-mail and read it, or try to send an "Okay, let me explain the comment in my previous e-mail better," but being tired, needing sleep, and with the e-mail already on its way, my last option was to just head to bed, going to sleep saying "You know better than to send an e-mail, and try to be creative with it, when you are tired."  And eventually I fell asleep.

Then, of course, morning had broken, or rather my alarm went off, I woke up, instantly remembering the e-mail from the night before, and then kept kicking myself in the ass for sending said e-mail, much as I was kicking myself in the ass before I went to bed the night before (I so over-analyze things a lot).  But it was time for exercising, hoping that maybe it would take my mind off the e-mail for a bit before I might get a reply, so I'm into my shorts and t-shirt, the heart-rate monitor is fired up, the earphones are plugged into my iPhone, I select my "exercise" mix, and then, because I think Apple has put a cyber-brain into their products at times, giving them a life of their own, my iPhone "exercise" mix started to hit me with every song on it that screams "What the hell did you do?"  An Offspring "Why Don't You Get a Job,"  Evenescence's "Going Under," "3 AM" from matchbox 20, "Folsom Prison Blues" from Johnny Cash, Neil Diamond's "I Am... I Said," and "My Last Yeehaw" from Cowboy Troy kept infiltrating my music mix, which on any other morning would just keep my exercise-bicycling fired up, but this morning, just kept me thinking about the e-mail I sent the night before.

So I was about 20 minutes into my planned 45 minute exercise biking when I was close to bailing on the exercising, especially since my iPhone seemed to just want to torture me, and just getting on with my day seemed just a challenge enough.  But then, low and behold, came bouncy girl-pop music, "Don't let no small frustration, ever bring you down," and yes, as I am comfortable enough to say I liked the "Sex and the City" movie, yes, I have Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus on my iPhone.  There it was, singing through my earphones, the song "Life's What You Make It," and as I turned my focus to the lyrics, I started to realize that fine, my e-mail might not have been exactly how I wanted to word things, but I couldn't let it ruin my day, because life is hard or it's a party, the choice is up to me!

My exercising done, and Hannah Montana (yes, I know it's Miley Cyrus) singing in my head, there it was, an e-mail for me, pretty much stating exactly how I figured she would have interpreted the e-mail from the night before.  I still have to reply, but I suppose I won't try to get make it all "creative" and stuff, and not send the e-mail when I'm tired and groggy.

My day had a lot of potential to be crabby, at least in my head, but a fictional star snapped me back to reality.

"Life's what you make it, so let's make it rock!"  Hannah Montana.  Who knew?

That's it for this one!  I'm The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Posted by Rightdude at 7:18 PM | Comments (0)

June 2, 2008

What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! A MySpace Page Change, Catch and Release, and "Sex and the City."

The fallout from The Dude on the Right changing his MySpace page began after recording this episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, but Stu Gotz kind of preambles it by setting up The Dude with a music clip, only so that Stu won't have to ask a question he has repeatedly tried to get an answer to.  Stu's weekend was filled with family time and how snagging some "canal-chats" can be fun, complete with showing the kids that you can throw wounded fish back in the water, while The Dude saw "Sex and the City" with his BFF, expanded his culinary horizons, and heard opera at a gospel fest.  There is also some talk of wondering how some people don't get sued, and Stu ditched The Dude during part of the podcast in search of some nip-slips from the 2008 MTV Movie Awards Gold-Carpet broadcast.  Such can be Stu Gotz.

Posted by Rightdude at 5:51 PM | Comments (0)

June 1, 2008

What's New? A Movie Review of "Sex and the City."

The Dude on the Right went to see "Sex and the City," and was pretty sure the four dudettes next to him, and the dudette that he took to see the movie, would have been putty in his hands with a well-placed "Ohhh," that or they would have thought he was gay. He does mention during his review that he liked the movie, but still doesn't understand women's fascination with ugly hats.

Posted by Rightdude at 3:53 PM | Comments (0)


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