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October 31, 2006

I Hate Halloween. Do You Need Some Peanut Butter Cups?

By: The Dude on the Right
You could say that I never learn, but I think I just like being able to buy a boat-load of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups for next to nothing.  It was another Halloween.

Year after year after having moved into my Dude-Pad, I wonder about Halloween and just how many kids I will get visiting my doorstep, dressed in those cute costumes that look so much more comfortable than the ones I had (those plastic masks with the stretchy band holding it on your head had to be the most uncomfortable thing in the world, but as a kid, I didn't care because I was transported into a world all my own.  Anyway, I digress.)  But year after year I buy the Peanut Butter Cups, and year after year, I only get visited by a few kids.  There was, of course, the one year, when the high school crowd crashed our townhouse area and I was able to unload most of my stash, but it felt wrong since none of them were wearing costumes and their "candy bag" usually was a pillow case.  But in that year I was on a diet again, and the last thing I needed were extra Peanut Butter Cups around, so the teenagers were getting three or four at a drop.

Each year I expect an onslaught of kids, especially the year 2004 when Halloween was on a Sunday and I would actually be present for the entire "Trick-or-Treating" period, but even that year the number of visitors was pretty small, and I don't really know what I was expecting, but when I was at my local grocery store the other day, there they were, Reese's Peanut Butter Cup bags, at 2 for $4, so of course, expecting an onslaught of kids, I bought four bags.

Wow, was that an over-calculation.

This year I'm on a diet again.  I've been doing doing pretty well on the exercise side, but the food side has been up and down, and I just want to know:  WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING WHEN I BOUGHT FOUR BAGS OF PEANUT BUTTER CUPS?  Why do I ask that?  Because I had one trick-or-treater visit the Dude-Pad.  He was a little vampire, probably about 7 years old, and thinking about it know I should have given him four bags of Peanut Butter Cups.  No teenagers dressed as teenagers carrying pillow cases I could have unloaded candy to, no college kids Trick or Treating for UNICEF so I could have given them a buck and 5 peanut butter cups.  Nope, I had one little boy show up and now I have pretty much four bags of candy to try not to eat all at one time.

I hate Halloween.

That's it for this one!  I'm The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Posted by Rightdude at October 31, 2006 8:26 PM


Sorry Mike, I've already taken them to work so I won't be tempted at home. Hopefully they'll last awhile!

Posted by: Rightdude at November 4, 2006 4:44 PM

Save 'em for Christmas or give them to my Mother at Thanksgiving. I'd have no problem "disposing" of them for you!

Posted by: Mike at November 3, 2006 11:47 AM

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