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September 9, 2005

Easy Upgrades Sometimes Aren't.

By: The Dude on the Right
I've got so many things I have wanted to write about.  There's the entire New Orleans' thing, a rant about why Kentucky Fried Chicken sucks and it's not related to PETA, my picture with Johnny Cash, how proud I am of Columbus, IN., how I'm rooting for my Indians and torn about rooting for the White Sox, about my Jimmy Buffett weekend (Stu might need some bigger coconuts), and just general things.  I also intended to figure out how I could get a Podcast going for the site.  Then I decided to try an upgrade to my blog software.

So, for the past three days, the stubborn streak in me has gotten the best of me.  The upgrade was supposed to be easy, I even had a couple of helpful sites to make things even easier and not mess everything up.  Then, of course, I didn't really listen to them, then I started searching the internet as to why I was getting this "500" error, then I just started deleting things willly-nilly, then things still didn't work, then I did another internet search for some Perl code that might actually help, then I just prayed that my Frontpage backup had all of the files that I had since deleted and it would upload them as instructed.  Finally, three days later, I'm back up and running with the old version of my Blog software (thank you Frontpage), and until I actually read somewhere, or at least one of the technical folks at my hosting site or the blog software sight, give me some help into how to make the upgrade work, I'm sticking with the older version that was working well enough for me in the first place.

I kind of hate when I get in that stubborn mode, spending days on something that really doesn't have an answer at the moment, but alas, I do that every now and then.  So here's the quick update - I'm not going to really try upgrading things until I get a firm answer so I can at least switch my focus from computer programming to the important things, like Jimmy Buffett, NFL football, movies, music, and what scares me even more, because it usually becomes the "I never get anything done because of," Falll TV programming.  Most of my favorite shows are returning, I'm sure there are some new one coming for me to get sucked into as well, and I might have to buy a new TIVO to keep up with it all.

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Posted by Rightdude at 8:40 PM | Comments (0)


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