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« August 6, 2005 | Main | August 9, 2005 »

August 7, 2005

I Guess Some Things Just Take Time

By The Dude on the Right
Usually I'm pretty write-ative, but tonight, this entry will be a little shorter than normal, at least that's my train of thought right now. We'll see how this ends up.

Anyway, it's been a busy day, mostly playing with one of my new toys, my blogging software, trying to get the pages to look seamless with the rest of the web site. I did play slightly with my other toy, the new camera, but am figuring Monday and Tuesday will be more devoted to that one so that I am ready when the lights go down and I'm at the foot of the stage for Green Day on Wednesday night (that review coming later this week).

As far as the blogging software, let me tell you, that hasn't been the easiest of things, especially since I rarely read the right documentation on new things, and with this Movable Type thing having many options to make things how you want, I also had to learn a few things, like dealing with a style/formatting file. The problem: After getting it to work exactly like I wanted, not realizing it was built into the program so when I rebuilt the blogging area it rebuilt based on its style file, because, well, I simply didn't read that you need to change the file internally, not externally, so I got to start over again. Like a lot of my computer experiences, it's been about trial and error, finding out why the errors are there, then trying again. I'm finally getting the hang of things, although one part of the commenting area still isn't working but I actually used the Knowledge Base and know why it's happening so I might have a fix on that. Ahh, Knowledge Bases and FAQs!

Hope you had an unbelievable weekend.

That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Posted by Rightdude at 7:45 PM | Comments (0)


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