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A Concert Review
[More Photos From the Concert]

July 16, 1996

The Rosemont Horizon

Rosemont, IL

A Review and Photos by
The Dude on the Right
Ask just about anyone who loves rock & roll and was able to comprehend the 70's who the greatest band in the world was. Nine times out of ten their answer will be KISS. KISS epitomized everything a band your parents hated, KISS pushed every concert to its limit, KISS had countless albums that never seem to sell stellar proportions but everyone seemed to own, and I never got to see KISS back then - there was no way in hell my parents would let me go. But, I'm older now, and as much as I still listen to my parents, there was no way in hell I wanted to miss KISS this time around. One word describes the experience: UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!

On July 16th, 1996, at about 11:00 PM I felt I could die a happy man. I just left a KISS concert complete with just about every bit of theatrics available - it was so cool.

Whoever came up with the make-up, with the guitar on fire, with the rising drumset, with the mortar shooting guitar, with the giant, illuminated KISS sign, with the costumes, with the stacks of Marshall amps over ten feet tall, with the cranes lifting Gene, Ace, and Paul over the crowd, with the wiring to lift Gene to the upper rafters of the Horizon, with the blood, with the fire, with the entire freakin' show - this person deserves the world. Without them, rock & roll, awesome concerts, and millions of people would never have the world's anthem of rock & roll: "Rock and Roll All Night (And Party Every Day)."

Well, if you didn't figure it by now, I had a great time at this KISS concert, but you know, so did the around 20,000 people inside the Horizon, and probably anyone within a ¼ mile radius of the enclosed stadium - it was loud. Good God, mighty fuckin' loud, but it just wouldn't really by KISS if your ears weren't bleeding by the end of the night - even with ear-plugs.

The show itself hit on most every song before they lost their make-up. And, you know, I didn't remember how many of them there were until the first chord, the first drumbeat, or Paul Stanley's speech preceding the song. It's been a while since I listened to the albums, plugged in the 8-Tracks, and put on those headphones (God forbid I would let my mom know I was listening to them, let alone wishing I could go to their show)! But on my list of "never-to-forget" concerts, this will go down forever as one of them.

KISS has been given credit by countless people as their influence, as the band that got them laid, as the band that had just about everyone saying they loved KISS but never in front of their parents. I can't say KISS is not without being a spectacle, but that is what is so cool about KISS. Many bands try the gimmicks, many bands try to achieve the energy and following, and many bands fail miserably. Often imitated but never duplicated, there is only one way to know how cool the music combined with the show are, and that is to see them live. Do what you can, steal the tickets from your neighbor, sleep with your neighbors wife if that's what it takes, but try not to miss this show when it comes near your town. If you have any love for rock & roll, KISS is THE band. What else can be said?

I wanted the best, and I got the best - the greatest, hottest, coolest, incrediblest band in the world - KISS. No boudt adout it, KISS gets TWO BIG, GIANT, I SMASHED THEM WITH A HAMMER TO MAKE THEM SWELL UP AND GET BIGGER, THUMBS UP. One of the greatest exploitation's of a show in the world - they are KISS.

And that's it for this one, I'm The Dude on the Right. L8R!


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