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August 11, 2007

At Least Lorain, Ohio, Gave Me a Lazy Squirrel.

By: The Dude on the Right
I thought I would get an old blog thought off my plate, still relating to my last trip home to Lorain, OH, and it’s about a lazy squirrel.

Sure it's summer now, but my folks still like to feed the birds and even the neighborhood squirrels. I’ve tried to tell them that it’s not necessary when it’s warm, the birds might need water more than food so a birdbath might be in order, and that by feeding the squirrels all they are doing is making the critters lose their ability to scavenge for food and become lazy. Little did I know how lazy one squirrel had become until I was able to capture these pictures as he proceeded to plop himself (or maybe it's a herself, I didn't get that close of a look) on the ramp in front of our house. The kicker isn’t the fact that the squirrel was lazing around on our ramp, but mom tells me that many times when he’s eating the peanuts they leave, he doesn't even bother to eat in the normal squirrel eating position, sitting up, he just lies there on the ground, nibbling away. I've tried to tell my folks to quit spoiling the varmint, but since when will they listen to me :-)

Lazy squirrel aside, I thought about writing a little more about my hometown, but figured I would leave it at a funny picture of a squirrel because sometimes when I write about the old country it leaves me a little bummed because of the potential that is there. It has the location, with a lot of lakefront and a river, although it occurred to me lately, and I know it was probably necessary and helped the Ford plant, that whomever let the railroad build on prime real estate wasn’t a complete visionary for the area. But now as its infrastructure, including, as I've read, its sewer system, is falling apart, how their mayor is bailing on the town for a new job, thus leaving the city leadership in a bit of turmoil, how every time I visit it's still like driving on the moon, and it looks like the final dagger might be an imploding educational system, I wonder, after my parents someday pass on, if I'll ever come back to visit, even to see some old friends, and if I did, where I would stay since my mom told me the Spitzer hotel, where a vision of a casino danced in some heads, closed a couple of years ago?  At least the American Slovak Club still has a good fish fry, and if that goes away I'll know the city is really dying.

See, now I’m a little bummed. Enough writing.  Better look at those pictures of that lazy squirrel, again, to give me a smile.

That's it for this one!  I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Posted by Rightdude at August 11, 2007 8:13 PM


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