What’s New? A Podcast of: Bears Win!, A Dead TV, The MTV VMA’s, and no Stu Gotz.

This should be a “Weekend Wrap-Up!”, but The Dude on the Right is flying solo for this podcast because Stu Gotz decided to see Mickey Mouse. Actually, it was mostly Mama Gotz and the LIttle Gotz’s that wanted to see Mickey, but, in any case, The Dude is left to lament about his TV woes by himself now that it is confirmed that his TV is really dead. And as The Dude contemplates purchasing a new TV, he sort of wonders why he should, especially since he fell asleep while watching the Chicago Bears beat the Indianapolis Colts, it was probably easier to watch the Cleveland Browns lose on a smaller TV, and there really didn’t seem to be a reason to watch the MTV Video Music Awards, especially since Britney Spears wasn’t a train wreck this year, she was just inserted into a lame skit. And yea, blah, blah, blah, the joke is old, but why is MTV still having a Video Music Awards ceremony when they don’t show many videos anymore?