Episode 6: Snakes on a Plane

A Video Review of
“Snakes on a Plane"

The Star
Neither of us ranked it by stars,
we both liked it in our own ways.

The Movie is:
Rated: R
It’s 1:45 Long

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Quick Words From:

The Dude on the Right

Samuel L. Jackson told both me and Stu Gotz, on our cell phones, that we needed
to go and see "Snakes on a Plane."  He didn’t really need to do this
because Stu and I were already on board, but we went to see it even with his pestering.

Stu thought it would be fun to bring a snake along when we "filmed" our review, little did I
know there was such a thing as a "turd snake," at least that’s what Stu’s
snake looked like.

We both have our takes on the movie, and contrary to most
other reviews, Stu found the acting pretty good.  Me, I liked the
gratuitous nudity and the wacky ways snakes killed people.  Maybe not a
huge flick at the box office, but there are more beer-drinking games in this
movie for the college kids than I can even fathom.

Thanks for watching, and we welcome your comments.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

P.S.  This Video Podcast is in Apple
Quicktime format, Ver. 7+.  If all you get is the audio of this video podcast, or it doesn’t load at all, please upgrade your Quicktime/iTunes
software to the latest version.  The files are also kinda big (10meg+), so give them time to download. Thanks! The DOTR.

Episode 5: Mission: Impossible III


The Dude on the Right

Tom Cruise is
back as Ethan Hunt in the action-packed "Mission:
Impossible III.
"  But there is a dilemma for "South
" fans, of which Stu and I are, especially those believing the internet
rumor that Mr. Cruise had the "In The Closet" episode pulled from "Comedy
Central."  Cruise’s folks, as well as the "Comedy Central," folks denied
this, but the "South Park" fans called for a boycott of all things Tom Cruise. 
And that meant boycotting "M: i: III."

Anyway, for this episode, Stu and I do some Tom Cruise movie role
reminiscing, and we originally agreed to boycott the movie.  Me, though, I
give the movie 3 stars out of 5.

Thanks for watching, and we welcome your comments.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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P.S.  This Video Podcast is in Apple
Quicktime format, Ver. 7+.  If all you get is the audio of this video podcast, or it doesn’t load at all, please upgrade your Quicktime software to the latest version. The files are also kinda big (10meg+), so give them time to download. Thanks! The DOTR.

Episode 4: Scary Movie 4


The Dude on the Right

Well, it seems we didn’t qualify for the "Howard
Stern Film Festival
" with our last creation, a "Stu & The Dude" reviewin’ "Private
." Oh well, but I did learn some new animation lessons from sending
that in, some of which are incorporated into our "Scary Movie 4" review. Some
others, well, I guess I didn’t pay enough attention, hence some of the weird
framing and lettering. I guess, "Oh well" again.

In any case, I liked "Scary Movie 4" more than Stu did, but I admit something
to Stu that maybe I shouldn’t have. Stu gave the movie 2 ½ stars out of 5, I
gave it 3 ½ stars, but Stu just didn’t understand my happiness.

Thanks for watching, and we welcome your comments.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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P.S.  This Video Podcast is in Apple
Quicktime format, Ver. 7+.  If all you get is the audio of this video podcast, or it doesn’t load at all, please upgrade your Quicktime software to the latest version. The files are also kinda big (10meg+), so give them time to download. Thanks! The DOTR.

Episode 3: Last Holiday


The Dude on the Right

Sure, "Last Holiday" is out of the theaters, but it comes out on DVD on May 2,
2006, so I suppose this is an early DVD review.  In any case, it’s our
third installment of "Stu & The Dude Reviewin’ the Movies for You!", and for
this episode it’s the Queen Latifah movie, "Last Holiday."  Stu couldn’t
believe he actually liked the movie, so much so that he had to resort to
something manly to get through the rest of the day.  We’ve added some
camera movements to the video podcast, so I would appreciate your input whether
you like them or not.

Thanks for watching, and we welcome your comments.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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P.S.  This Video Podcast is in Apple
Quicktime format, Ver. 7+.  If all you get is the audio of this video podcast, or it doesn’t load at all, please upgrade your Quicktime software to the latest version. The files are also kinda big (10meg+), so give them time to download. Thanks! The DOTR.

Episode 2: Curious George


The Dude on the Right

I can’t believe that we actually got a second episode done for "Stu & The Dude
Reviewin’ the Movies for You!", but here it is.  This time "Curious George"
comes under the chopping block, and I think the difference is that Stu has kids
so he can relate, and I don’t, so I don’t even want to see this movie. 
Then, of course, there is Stu’s appetite.  If you’ve got kids, well, follow
Stu’s lead, just please don’t follow his dietary plan before going to see the

Thanks for watching, and we welcome your comments.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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P.S.  This Video Podcast is in Apple
Quicktime format, Ver. 7+.  If all you get is the audio of this video podcast, or it doesn’t load at all, please upgrade your Quicktime software to the latest version. The files are also kinda big (10meg+), so give them time to download. Thanks! The DOTR.