Are You a Good and God Fearing Individual?

If you are a good and God fearing individual I might have an opportunity for you! You see, Louisa Patrick is a cancer victim who has been to several countries searching for a cure, and since she is also a “philanthropist with a target at charity,” she is also donating her funds to the less privileged in Africa, Brazil, Haiti “and some of the Asian countries (e.g.. Burma).” So sad that someone who is fighting cancer finds herself at the precipice of death and won’t be able to continue her good work.

Don’t worry, though, you can help, because if you are a good and God fearing individual and will help her distribute the funds to people needing help around the world, she will entrust the last of her funds to you (about 7.5 million GBP, which in US money is about $5 – okay, it’s really about $12.5 million bucks).

Before she will trust you with the money she does ask you to tell her a little bit about yourself, and I thought about replying to her email but was a little worried on that “good and God fearing” part as I’m mostly good and generally God loving, but she’s not really offering to give me part of her fortune, just to help distribute it to the less privileged. I mean, what’s in it for me? Maybe, though, you’re up for some world travel and giving away Louisa’s funds, in which case send me your email and I’ll forward her information back to you. First, though, you’ll have to answer my plight: Are you a good and God fearing individual?

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!