I Drive Myself Crazy, I Saw “Beerfest,” and I Remember Some Things about College.


The Dude on the Right

Sometimes I drive myself nuts.  Case in point was this morning.

So this
morning I got up a little later than normal because I was up the night before a
little later than normal.  Driving to get my #2 breakfast with a large Diet
Coke for $4.04, I was debating on seeing another movie today, namely
"Invincible," or skipping the film, even though I did want to see it, and use
the extra time to working on the animation for our next "Stu & The Dude" episode
of "Snakes on a Plane."  My decision was to skip the movie.  So I got
back home, reading my Sunday paper and enjoying my breakfast, with "Harry Potter
and the Prisoner of Azkaban" on the TV.  I finish reading the paper,
breakfast was done, but there I sat, on my couch, missing a new movie and
spending most of the time I should have been animating by watching Harry Potter
get his ass kicked by the Dementors.  Needless to say our "Snakes
on a Plane
" review isn’t done yet.

But I did see "Beerfest,"
and it was okay, pretty much most of what I expected, although it did have one
flaw because anyone who has tried to drink out of a yard glass would know that
the secret to "Das Boot" is rotating the glass, or so I’m told.  The movie
also had me recall some college memories where I was a kickass "Thumper" player. 
There are a couple of secrets to being a kickass "Thumper" player, but those
will rest me me.  I was never good at the chugging thing, couldn’t open my
throat, and I preferred to consider myself a distance drinker, able to just hang
out on the roof of the fraternity house waiting for the sun to rise.  I
suppose being good at drinking games is good in one respect, because you don’t
get as drunk, but being good at drinking games is bad in another respect,
because you don’t get as drunk, which is really the goal of most drinking games. 
What a dilemma.  In Kamikaze Checkers, however, there is no winner,
although it does lead to laughing your ass off when it precedes
Jackson reading "Green Eggs and Ham" during Saturday Night Live
, or so I’m also told.

enough reminiscing and probably giving my mom some chest pains about my college
days, it’s back to some animating and watching the
Emmy Awards.

for reading!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!